Is it worth the money to join a club? A lot of people on here are members of knife clubs. I'm not a member of any of them so I don't know if it's worth it or not. It just seems to be wrong to pay a company money just so they can sell me something.

Now something like Ikc is different. Cost nothing to join. If you want to buy a knife,hat. coffee mug ect. to help support it then that's your choice. I click on the ads and buy knives from there ads but I don't pay them.

So let me hear why I should join a club.

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Joining a club is part of human socialization. A way to meet and talk with other people with the same likes.

Most clubs have a lot to offer as long as YOU are active with them.

Clubs also do charity work which can be fulfilling to most people.

The circulars and news letters from clubs are also informative and help you stay linked with the knife world happenings.

Clubs are GREAT! and their internet connection is improving at a fast rate!

Hope you find one that sparks Your Interest.


I have joined the Case Collectors Club and really like it.  I feel it is worth the $20 annual fee.

Why join anything? NKCA, NRA or any other club. Case has perks annual club knives, Forum knife but you have to join the Forum! Case also sends emails with $5.00 off your next purchase and one of the places I buy from offers a discount if you're a member of Case Collectors Club. I'm a member of the NKCA and get no perks but it promotes interest in knife collecting.
I belong to a couple of professional organizations and one for$60.00 a year I get a news letter 6 times a year. The other at $150.00 gives me nothing except a certificate and a guilt trip if I'm not in their organization.
I'm a life member of Case Collectors and paid a one time fee and I go to their events and they give me stuff all the time, Nickel dime stuff but free stuff. Also limited edition knives at a fair price that you can find at an inflated price on eBay.

But I'm not trying to talk anybody into anything I'd prefer if a lot DON'T join because we have already too many that like to rock the boat.

Joining has proven worthwhile to me.  Like Max said, we have a few that "rock the boat" and I think most of them would complain no matter what.

Best advice I can give you is drop 20 bucks for a year's membership and see if it's worth it to you to renew when the time comes.

I belong to only one knife club and have been for a long time. The one I belong to is "AG Russell". The benefits, that I get is a monthly  flier, with great discounts on knives before they come up in their catalog or the Web. The price to belong to the club is only $10, for 12 fliers/with discounts. Mr. AG. puts up with me, so I'm glad to be a member. I guess, each collector needs to decide for them selves.

I think you would like the Case collectors club. They give you some offerings that you won't find anywhere else. You don't have to buy anything either.

One of the reasons that I joined this site. All the good advice.

I have to say, that if the clubs I do belong to were FREE there would be a bunch of people in it that really didn't care much one way or the other about it and I'm not sure I'd really want to belong to it. I used to belong to this group shortly after it started and there were a lot of idiots on this site to the point I couldn't take it here and erased my profile and all my info and left after a few years, but I came back to see if it had changed and change it has and I'm HAPPY I came back to meet the people that hung tough and all the new ones that make this place what it is today!

Not all clubs can be free, this club couldn't survive I'm sure without the advertisers,sometimes advertisers shape the club over time to fit their needs and wants or they pull the advertising, some don't except advertising and need dues to keep it going. My local club charges dues and I get a subscription to Knife World along with paying my dues which I already subscribe to. But membership is dwindling, people aren't interested and some want something in return, sometimes what you get in return is friendship and a select group that have the same things in common.

The advantage to joining a club is to receive advanced notice on items. Items that are offered to the public are offered to members first in a lot of clubs. Club members also may receive things limited to club members only and never offered outside the club. Newsletters, magazines, free offerings for renewals, and so on. Also clubs, like Case, offer special tours for members. If your looking for an exchange of information then you can get that anywhere there are like minded people. But for more advantages, join a club. My opinion only but I've belonged to a lot of clubs over the years.

Really, have you been reading the above posts there are MORE knife nuts out there, this may be the best group but there are many more fantastic people out there in Clubs long before this was concieved! So think of ALL the people and knowledge that's out there!
Bob Biggs said:

I have read the previous posts with interest,to the best of my knowledge we do not have any knife clubs in the UK. My question is this,"Why join a knife club when you already belong to the best group of knife nuts on the planet ? ...

Ok I figure I can join the case collector club for a year to see if I like it. If I don't then I just wont renew it.

Don't forget to join the forum over there.


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