Hey Case fans,

We'd like to ask for your help in picking apart our website over the next few weeks. Let's start with our Knives section (www.wrcase.com/knives/. Get in, spend some time in it, drive it around. Is there anything (functionality, presentation, etc) you wish was there that isn't? Is anything there that you have no opinion of or you think doesn't do anything to enhance the online experience?

Tell us. We'd like to know!

Thanks for your input in advance. I can't guarantee we'll be able to implement any changes just the way you'd like to see them - as in all things - there are limitations to what we can do. But I can promise each and every suggestion will be looked at for its own viability. If we can do it and it makes sense to do it then we'll do it!

Who's in?



Tags: case, knives, online, website, wrcase

Views: 112

Replies to This Discussion


Thanks Fred for allowing us to help Case better the already best knife company site on the web. :)
I'm no expert on web-sites. Only had a computer for less than 2 years.
I can say that every time I go on vacation, to a new area, I always check out the "Dealer Locater" area.
My wife got wise to what I was doing, last year, when I took an hour detour to go 30 minutes away.
I found it very helpful and easy to nav. but i know nothing fancey, but it did what i needed - thanks Fred
Thanks Steve...
i think you should be able to search by blade steel,size,deigsn and number of blades not just handle materal but you should keep the handle materal so you can find the exact knife you want kinda like the benchmade knife wizard
That's a great idea, Michael. I like that. The more we know, the more sales WR Case has. It should be the "Go-To" site for information on Case knives. At the present time, it's not!
For instance, I would like to be able to enter "Seahorse Whittler" in the search window and come up with every Seahorse Whittler in current propduction. Do that now, and you come up with this:

"Search Results 4 result(s) found. Results 1 - 4 for "Seahorse whittler" shown below.

W.R. Case Stag Damascus Seahorse Whittler Knife
... Knife Stag and Damascus - some things are just meant to go ... Whittler Knife Stag and Damascus - some things are just mea

W.R. Case Stag Damascus Peanut Knife
... Family Set PeanutSeahorse WhittlerSmall Texas ToothpickTrapperBaby ButterbeanBarlowTiny Muskrat ...Family Set PeanutSeahorse WhittlerSmall Texas ToothpickTrapperBaby ButterbeanBarlowTiny Muskrat

Knife Patterns
The items listed are patterns produced within the last 10 years.

New Case Inspired Brands to be released in 2007
Bradford, PA (February 1, 2007) - Over the years, Case has produced pocketknives to" /"

That's pretty ambiguous! I would also like to see a "Production History" category that shows a picture of every Seahorse, not necessarily Classics, that have been produced. With picture, how many produced, the catalog number and pattern number. That would be a project for Katy Shonts, as if she didn't have her old job to do along with her position as the new Case Historian. She has lots of help from outside sources such as myself, Shirley Boser, and Steve Pfeiffer. The guy's a genius. I'll be glad when his new book comes out. I think my collection gets a mention. (yay)!
One more thing, about this website... Maybe this is not the place for it, but I know that Steve monitors and is a member, as well as the fact that he has been known to have some pull around here. And my problem is, that whenever I am in the process of posting a message, and have to go forward or back for reference, all of my work is gone when I come back to my screen. I find that I have to highlite my message, put it in a blank Email form, minumize, and then make my research, and come back to a blank form. I go to my Email form that I've minumized, and have to copy it and re-enter my post.
Another thing I'd like to see is a "Preview Post" feature. I make so many misteaks, uh mustakes, (there that looks right) that a preview post fearure would be as handy as a pocket on a shirt.
Thanks in advance, Steve. And I'm sorry if I'm out of line. I'm new, and I'm old, and I'm facing surgery tomorrow, so I'm not quite my old jovial self today. I would appreciate prayers if any of you are so inclined to do things like that for total strangers.
In the above post, I did not mean JUST for the Seahorse Whittler, but all the patterns.
That is meant to be as an example only.

And by the term "Production History". As an example. If any of you remember my friend Rod Neep in England, he had a great little form that he created. Simple, and to the point. I just wish his pictures were thumbnails to larger pictures, but Case could fix that. I don't think Rod copywrited it. He and Gay are too busy with mission work these days to mess with knives.
I'll see if I can find it...
Nope, it's no longer there. But this is his website now, and a worthy cause. Don't mean to get off the subject again, but this is just in case you're interested in what Rod and Gay are doing now for the kids in Kenya.
Jimbo, you're not using the correct search function. Go to the KNIVES section, and toward the bottom of that page you'll see "SEARCH CASE PRODUCTS" section. type Seahorse in the keyword field and click SEARCH. I think you'll like these results much better. It's been there all the time!

This works for any keyword. Type in 6220 and all the bone handled Peanuts show up. Type in wharncliffe and all knives with wharncliffe blades appear. etc etc etc...

Nevertheless, I think you're really going to like what we're coming up with for our next generation product search utility....stay tuned!

We'll be praying for you...friend...

Fred... That's fantastic. I didn't even know that was there. I'm delighted to find it!

However, it's still a little ambiguous. You enter Seahorse and you only get three knives. The Reg Stag, The Damascus, and the Consumer Event Knives Artisan's Seahorse Whittlers. I didn't see the new Green Stag. I already have mine. I don't have a clue how I'm gonna' get the Consumer Event knives since I can't travel much any more. Maybe someone can pick them up for me if I pay for them... eventually.

When I entered Swayback Jack, I got Swaybacks, AND Jack knives. I entered Swayback and got "Sorry, your search: " Swayback" returned zero results". I'm not makin' this up, honest. I copied and pasted the results.

So, although it's a great feature, it's still seemingly incomplete. And there's no mention of SFO's. That would be a GREAT feature for ANY pattern collector!

I know that all these suggestions are probably a pain, but that's the topic. These are suggestions, and problems that I, personally, perceive.
I welcome your input Jim. No offense taken in any way. Let's see if I can shed a little light on what's going on with your searches.

Case spells Swayback "Sway (space) Back". The search will use each word separately as spaces are entered. In your first example, "Swayback' will not be found; which was why all knives with "Jack" in their names appeared for you. If you enter 'Sway' or 'Back' alone you'll get Sway Back Jacks and Sway Back Gents. We should add "Swayback" as another keyword to fix the problem you describe. We can't possibly anticipate all the variations that might be keyed in. If at first you don't succeed...try try again...but in a little different way...and you'll find what you're looking for...maybe! :)

The Case site's knives are limited to Product Guide merchandise and our House SFO's which are found in our Seasonal Promotional Product Guides. We can't include SFO's - those were paid for our dealers and they become their property. It's their responsibility to advertise, sell, and ship them. This is the reason you don't see the Green Stag knives on our site - they belong to Smoky Mountain Knife Works. You would find out about those via SMKW's marketing machine. Changing this 'system' would be a huge project; more than we'd be able to take on.

Hope this helps. Play around with the search function a little bit and you'll get the gist of it.
If you message me with your e-mail address, I can send you the Rod Neep pages. I have them saved from the web archive onto my e-mail program. You can also access them from the Seahorse Group. Copy and paste the address there, will bring them up also.


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