Whenever I'm deciding which of my EDC blades to take with me for the day I always have a hard time choosing. I always end up carrying more than one, Five to be exact. Does anyone else have a hard time deciding which knife to carry so you end up taking more than one? If so which two do you have the most trouble with deciding on?

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I have exactly two every-day-carries, each having three blades that need to be kept sharp & clean. I keep one in my work pants, the other in my at-home pants. That way, as long as I'm wearing pants I have a knife handy - ha ha! But truthfully, I'm the world's worst knife sharpener. I hate to sharpen a knife. The true joy of collecting is that sharpening is a big no-no. A knife that has been sharpened and/or used is worth much less than an unused, mint knife. That was a difficult lesson to learn since my parents taught me that a knife was a tool and there was no point having a knife that wasn't sharp. That is why two EDC's is all I can keep up with.
I carry 3 (though one is a multitool). At work, I carry my Leatherman Skeletool, a Gerber box cutter and my Leatherman Juice S2. On my time I carry my Benchmade 940 and the Juice. I am a little more concerned with light pockets then carrying a lot of knives. My Juice and my Leatherman have never failed to get the job done. I do, however, rotate my knives occasionally so the others don't get too jealous!
I can't actually say I'm in the Multi-blade Group here, but see if this helps.

I have a really big swiss army type knife :) in my arm rest of my truck, three or four in my desk drawer, a bunch in my sock drawer, a couple laying around on the top of my desk- at all times, and a couple hundred right behind me (my collection).

Do I still qualify? :)
I usally carry 2 knives. One little key chain style and then something like a bench made mini grip.
Those 2 knives will in most cases do the trick. Sometimes I will add another one to the mix but not that often.
sometimes i carry a victorinox cadet, a tiny blade like a cricket or ladybug, and a big knife like my strider or paramilitary.
sometimes i carry both paramilitary and strider--i don't know why, but i just do.
5-6?! what exactly are you carrying, and do you mean on your person (not in bags or anything) ?
Hey William Cutting,
Good to see u from BFC! Yes i cary a Spyderco Ladybug on keys, a SE Spyderco Salt 1 and a plain edge blade from any number of manufacturers. I also cary either a SAK (Champion plus) or a Leatherman (Juice s2) as a multitool. I have all bases covered and am ready to meet the day.
AKA: SparkyMark86 on BFC
No trouble deciding what to carry...My current work EDC (knives)...SOG Vulcan (rt. pocket), Benchmade 710 (left pocket), Spyderco Civilian(rt. cargo pocket), Leatherman Juice S2 on left side belt and HideAwayKnife-Straight Edge (on lanyard around neck)...OSU!!!(KARATE EXPRESSION)
I usually carry my knife plus a Swiss army knife of some type...very handy!
I love Swiss Army Knives bro, got more of those than I do regular folders...I am always adding to my collection and can't seem to stop.Theres always one I don't have.Recently purchased a champ with the Rosewood scales..very nice!
I always have a folder clipped to my right pocket, and my HAK around my neck. Occasionally if i have the extra room my Wenger SAK comes along.
i have a small wooden box in my room that i keep all of my edc blades in and when i leave my house (with no less then 2 blades) (which very from day to day depending on my mood that day) one is a larger blade which i keep in my lift cargo pocket (I'm a lefty btw) and a small blade that is in my top left pocket and my third blade( which i only have on me at work or when i go fishing/ camping) is a multy-tool / swiss army knife that i keep in my right cargo pocket. oh and i also have a small spyderco knife on my keys and i keep a knife + multy-tool in my car


White River Knives

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