Boys don't carry pocket knives anymore- in fact they will get in trouble if they do. In the big cities, guys carry a Blackberry or an iPhones. A lot of guys hardly ever have anything in their pockets- not even coins.

Here we proudly proclaim to be a bona fide, card carrying member of the EDC Club.

Now let's lay the cards on the table for a Show and Tell. What's your knife? Do you swap out or keep the same one day after day? How about a picture added to your reply-

Tags: Club, EDC, knife, pocket

Views: 6321

Replies to This Discussion

i carry 3 blades on me at a time never leave home wit out them
two gerber knifes and a fixed blade
OK. Got me a new EDC. The stag elephant toenail was a little much in the ol' front pocket, but I didn't want one that had the clip on it......so I got me a really cool one that pops in to its sheath, instead of sliding in, like most outside the pocket knives do. Plus it swivels around if it gets knocked...popping off my belt.
Here you go-

It is the Mantis- Jyro-1.

Pretty cool isn't it?

my current EDC........NO JOKE!!!
No matter what I always have my Chris Reeve Sebenza, but I only use it to cut meat or thread. It is one that looks so nice people are not afraid of it. As an actual user it's my Spyderco Sage (1rst ed.) On the weekend I like ro carry a small custom fixed blade. The selection varies between Bubba Knives or one he helped me teach to make.
Normally I carry my Emerson Horseman, but I picked up a Kershaw Oso Sweet this weekend, and I love it, and I'll probably carry it around for a few weeks.
I'd be a'skeered to clean my fingernails with that. I'm a'feared I'd whack somethin' off. That looks like trouble just lurkin' in my pocket.

Here's what I carry. Since I retired, I dson't do much with pocket knives except buy them, Renaissance Wax them, and put them behind glass. Mostly what I do is clean my fingernails. Ed Olson down in Texas is a dear friend of mine. I sent him some bloodwood, one time, just to play around with. He sent back this knife that he put a piece of the bloodwood on, and hammered a nickle out and ground it down for the Oklahoma shield, inlayed it, and sent it to me. It's with me every day! Does a fine job on fingernails and opening post office packages that contain knives. He did the carving of me, as well.

My current Weekend EDC...not counting the rest of the junk...Emerson CQC-11, HideAwayKnife (HAK), and my Leatherman Juice S2...Oh! and the small Gerber knife used as a money clip...lol!
im starting to change sometimes (to freshen things up) between a sog twitch2 and a gerber 2.5 in presto + i always carry a multi tool (leatherman micra or swiss army style cheapo) ps i just got deluxe lansky! it does a great job

do you ever get worried about droping/loseing the sebenza or costom fixed???
i always afraid of loseing an edc so i stay bellow $100 on edc knives
I buy BIG ones. That way I know they're still there :)
That's really good.


White River Knives

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