Some of us have more opportunities to use our EDC than others, BUT we all are presented opportunities, just maybe not every day. What was the last thing you used your knife for?

Tags: EDC., knife, use

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Cut a plastic thing off the new pool skimmer with my handy dandy stag Great Eastern elephant toenail for my wife.
Opening a box containing a new airsoft rifle I got today, booyah. XD
Yesterday, I bought 4 black elephant ears (thought I was going to say "toenails" didn't ya?) plants to put in my front yard. I had to cut the plastic pots off. My new Strider PT-CC was baptized that day.
the last thing i did with my EDC was... boring... opening mail
Just opened a new bag of dog food to feed Red. SOG would be glad to hear that I bet! LOL.
What'd get?? :)
Opened my new wireless Mac Mighty Mouse and wireless key board for use at my office. The company bought an employee a new 20" Mac Cinema Display, but, he he he, it wouldn't work with their computer....so I grabbed it. So, now I have a mini set up at work too. :)
haha, nice :D
Today I stirred my tea with my Buck Squire, cut old cable ties off with it, cut out a picture in the paper of a 24 foot Great White munching a Seal, then used my CKC Hiker to sharpen some pencils, slice open a load of plastic drill bit cases, cut some rope for fun (slashing cuts).
A good days use :-)
I'd say. Good job!
Cleaned fingernails Frank
careful there! I tried that with my Kukri once.....


White River Knives

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