I think I'm going to have to get a GEC knife handled in Snakewood.  

Do you like it?

"Snakewood is an incredibly beautiful wood which originates mostly in Suriname, South America.  The specific gravity is around 1.2, making it one of the worlds hardest woods.  The part sold as snakewood is really the heartwood of the larger tree.  This wood is usually felled with axes and carried on the backs of hard working natives over streams and through snake infested jungle areas.  Each tree felled is monitored, and the government has developed a strict permit process to control harvesting."

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Snakewood is one of those wood you really need to see pics of the actual knife.  It is such a beautiful wood that you want the best examples of those variations in color that you can get

I've been looking here and there. I've seen a couple that look really good. Actually, so far I've only seen one or two that I didn't like the pattern.....or lack there of.

The patterns differ some. I saw one that looked almost like Leopard skin!

I ordered one!!

Gotta get one of those!  So many patterns.  A couple of years ago, I got to travel to Suriname on a work-related trip.  One nice tourist shop at a great hotel (we did not stay there) had interesting small boxes, trays, etc. that were made from snakewood, purpleheart, and a speckled type of palm wood.  A small snakewood box was maybe $15-20 US.  I've got one at home and need a knife to go in it!!  I have heard that snakewood is in the mulberry family.

Interesting Dan! I've done a google on Snakewood, and some of the stuff made out of it is just amazing. I wouldn't mind having a box or something made out of it too.


You certaily do need asnakewood knife to go in a snakewood box.  I would like to see a pic  of the box too if you have a moment to take a pic

Hi Jan & Craig - I'll try to get a pic in the next couple of days.  The wood is darker than the knife handles that I've seen.  Maybe it ages that way.

Here you can see the wide variation in grain...........

Yes, I LOVE snakewood - the French name is AMOURETTE ! As you know, GEC uses it in various patterns. I find its an especially good choice for small size knives, but I wouldn't say that I don't like my Sunfish...

VERY nice set of snakes! Yours run the full spectrum! I should have mine by Monday.

Enjoy it, Craig!


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