Hi everyone and welcome to our newest members,


Something we have not talked about lately is new aquisitions.  Tell us about your latest and greatest GEC.  Donnie bought me both the new 23's in the Beavertail (Worlds greatest husband by the way)  He got himself the newest 73 in Primitive bone.  THAT is a heck of a nice knife.


What have you gotten lately?

Tags: Cutlery, Eastern, Great

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Also Jan, I am in love with that #12, I must see it in July..... please, please, please. 

And Tom, wonderful job keeping Americans employed over hear in PA. 

Okay, I was able to snag a couple this month. Hopefully, I can get a few more in Pittsburgh in a couple of weeks.

First is a #66 Jack, with those elusive green scales that I have been looking for.

The second is a great worker and a real blessing for me. A slick black #71, it's a great knife for the field and hopefully it will see lots of work this year. I wanted to save my orange for lighter use, mainly because I want to test another one out and now I can.

Newest PB...anybody notice they have changed the blade etch for the PB n this one?

I don't understand why they haven't been advertised by a dealer. I want a PB moose but they have not come up for sale any where. What am I supposed to do to get one?


They should be available any time now. Might want to reserve one with one of the distributors.


Jan, you got a beaut!

Jan, I like your new proto! I looked at that one too, but I am not big into protos because of their cost and the fact that I would never bring myself to use one. I have been filling in some missing holes in my collection lately and checking out some other knives made by GEC. I just picked up a Scagel Barehead Jack made by GEC on the #73 frame and the Randall Made Knives sale was Monday. Grabbed two but have to wait 4-6 weeks for them.

Jan Carter said:

I was told these knives were made in 2007 by Great Eastern for Taylor Brands.  The box is marked SUSA2S, Fire and Ice, Custom Brown Pickbone, Schrade USA  and Taylor Brand LLC.  I believe she was right.  This is a superbly made knife.  Another to my collection.

Clint, they are well made. I have 2 that are stamped differently as different colors, even though I can't really tell the difference. One is brown and the other was red.

I was told these knives were made in 2007 by Great Eastern for Taylor Brands.  The box is marked SUSA2S, Fire and Ice, Custom Brown Pickbone, Schrade USA  and Taylor Brand LLC.  I believe she was right.  This is a superbly made knife.  Another to my collection.


Good looking knives.  Thanks for sharing these with us.


Billy Oneale said:

Clint, they are well made. I have 2 that are stamped differently as different colors, even though I can't really tell the difference. One is brown and the other was red.

I was told these knives were made in 2007 by Great Eastern for Taylor Brands.  The box is marked SUSA2S, Fire and Ice, Custom Brown Pickbone, Schrade USA  and Taylor Brand LLC.  I believe she was right.  This is a superbly made knife.  Another to my collection.

very good looking knives guy's.....

To the best of my knowledge these were the ones made for 

Schrade Cutlery 2007-2009
#23 2bl.in Yellow Bone, Red Pick Bone, Brown Pick Bone (1 of 400)
#73 2bl.in Red Pick Bone, Black Pick Bone, Brown Pick Bone, Moss Bone (1 of 400)
#73 1bl. Lever Automatic in Red Abalone, Red Bone, Brown Bone, Burnt Stag, Smooth White Bone

Does anyone have one of the lever automatics?  I would love to own one but would be happy just to see one


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