After a prolonged discussion on the comment board over on Outdoor Living, Charles, Robert, and I agreed that the the talk on the comment wall probably needed a home  in an actual discussion.   We also agreed that IKC Arsenal might be a better place for it that Outdoor living.  So here is a place to get talk about your air guns, both BB and Pellet.   Perhaps even airsoft and paintball if there is isn't already a place for those.  

I'll get things started.  (but feel free to let 'er rip and post your own images and stories, especially varmint/small game hunts1)

I've owned three BB guns an one BB/Pellet hybrid.  All the lower end Daisy/Crosman variety.  Curently all I own is a Daisy Red Ryder (there is a story behind its ownership, but it can wait.)  I'm looking to step it up a notch and want to get a decent  singal shot .177 pellet gun capable of 1,000 FPS for both plinking and possible varmint, small game use.  But I need to learn more about pellet guns before I start tossing down money.  My two main concerns are

1) spring piston vs. gas piston

2) Break barrel vs. pump

I assume their are trade off with both types of systems but I've not heard much about why one is better than the other or when a person would prefer one system over the other.

Also any opinions on the Gamo Silent Cat or the Crosman 1377 pistol would be appreciated.  Both are on my short list.

Gamo Silent Cat (1000 FPS match grade lead)

Crosman 1377 pistol (Variable pump up to 650 FPS)  Optional stock and numerous upgrades available.

Views: 1706

Replies to This Discussion

Uh, I'm currently looking to upgrade.

After about five years of putting "I want an Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle!" on my Christmas wishlist, I finally got it two Christmas's ago.

anyone have a german made GECCO flaregun?

all you neeed is you orphan annie decoder!  ..awesome tobias great pic!
Tobias Gibson said:

Uh, I'm currently looking to upgrade.

After about five years of putting "I want an Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle!" on my Christmas wishlist, I finally got it two Christmas's ago.

You'll shoot your eye out kid!

Tobias Gibson said:

Uh, I'm currently looking to upgrade.

After about five years of putting "I want an Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle!" on my Christmas wishlist, I finally got it two Christmas's ago.

Cool Tobias. I think, it's time for an upgrade. I was a Red Ryder kid. I shot about 10000000000, BB's....lol

This discussion reminds me of when I was a kid.  I had a BB gun.  I don't remember if it was a Red Ryder but it was that type.  Anyway sometimes when I would run out of BB's, I would take wooden match sticks and push a needle into it.  I would drop it down the barrel and then I could fire it out of the gun.  I would go down to the creek and shoot frogs with my homemade darts.  I don't think my mother ever knew why she had to buy so many needles!

This discussion is great.  I hadn't thought of that memory for years.

Great story. I wonder if Gamo makes it's models in a choice of .177 or .22 cal. ?

  I remember that a bag of BB's cost a nickel {5 cents}, when I was a boy. I did more 5 cent jobs for my folks, than I care to remember.

Ah yes... the old  wooden stick dart thingy from a BB gun.   Never went frog gigging but did try some interesting pointy things from a BB gun, including  finishing nails... didn't work.

I think my first BB gun was a Daisy model 105 Lever action.  At least I think that is what it was. If it wasn't that is what it looked like.  My second was a Crosman M1 Carbine replica.  It held 22 BBs in a tubular stock and 250 in a detachable well that looked like the 15 round carbine magazine.    You cocked the rifle by pushing the barrel down and pulling it back out.  (I'm not sure that was the safest cocking method but we never accidentally shot ourselves.

I no longer have it but hear is a picture from the internet.

The stock was made of some type of hard plastic.  I had one and a friend of mine also had one.  In both instances, the stock broke right behind the trigger housing.  There was literally no way to easily reattach the rifle butt.  Not with screws, glue or tape!  Talk about a bad place to break! 

My friend threw his away.  I cut a pistol grip out of block of pine and taped it to the back and then made a stock from a couple pieces of metal tubing and another piece of wood for the should rest.  It was all held together with a roll of electrical tape.   The metal tubes ran along the sides of the  rifle in a manner similar to an M3 grease gun which provided enough strength to keep the "wire stock" in place with the tape.  I continued to use the rifle for several years until I converted into a mock-up of an FG-42.  I think i have a picture of it somewhere in the FG-42 layout.

i use to shoot certain really powerfull BB guns in my young teens at my uncles.. he hd a nice ppiece of prperty amd you would just hear that "TING" every minute or son


****THIS FALLS IN THE OTHERWISE COLUMN.in my state NJ.their is no rules like ALABAMA.here when and "intruder" is kicking your door in saying they are gonna kill yu,you have to ask if they are for real,try and still dial 911 and they will even still advise that you try and not use force as "help is on the way" ..that is nota crack at the police but at the laws desiogned to protect us...-ANYWAY I SAID ALL THAT SO THIS DOESNT SOUND SO CRAZY-


i am ordering a German made STEEL with wood grips {that i could change...LOLOL} ..anyway..KENNESAW actually makes a truly rifled barrell plug that fits right into this german GECCO FLARE GUN1111 AND THOSE YOU CAN HAVE ANYWHERE IN nj!!..... the Kennesaw piece on on side holds a .122 thats accurate for about the first 20 feet.PLENTY FOR HOME PROTECTION.BUT ONLY THE ONE SHOT...so kennesaw also one the other side has it set up to take a small SHELL i forget the size right now..but its not so acurrate but it doesn need t be..y0u just point and fire and you knpw the rest... the bd guy isnt gonna be feeling so good...LOL....


I WANT TO SAY FOR ANYBODY IN J..tthese 2 pices i meantioned SEPERATE you can buy 100% legal..no prblem and have in the same desk drawer suide by side.... BUT ONE YOU ENTER THAT RIFFLED BARRELL into flare gun... its a CLASS ! FELONG HAND GUN CHARGE IN NJ!!! byby for about 5-10!YRS!! ...


so for the laws i have and so forth...this is what i did.i found it online f course.watched about 100000 vids and tests.the GECCO MILITARY GERMAN FLARE GUN METAL 50-80$ shipped and a beauty of a fare gun!..plus lets not forget the flares themselves can be very effectiive!!!

sorry for the mispellings i went and correct everything but would save the edit...lol!...tired..

I have a Gamo Whisper with an Air Venturi gas ram from www.pyramydair.com. With Predator polymag .177 cal 8gr. pointed pellets it will take out a raccoon with a clean head shot. Coons have tough skulls so you need the right ammo to penetrate that skull. The Gamo Whisper is rated at a max of 1250fps but of course it depends on what ammo you are using. I would also mention my Baikal IZH 46M that I used to compete with but I'm sure that is totally not what you are looking for. Check out pyramydair though, they will be very helpful.


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