Good evening!

Just wanted to share a recent project that I was able to complete within the last few days.

Over the last few months I had been intermittently been working on making a new set of grips for my Ruger Blackhawk (Bisley).

The original ones were stupid white (ivory) plastic ones.  They were held together by one screw,

I thought that I could make something better.  The ones that I designed utilized 2 screws and I added "ears" to the top of the grips to hook under the frame.  These additions should help secure the grips in place much better.

The new grips used nicely figured maple (fiddleback).  I initially thought I was going to make the grips full length maple.  Most of the way through making them, I decided to cut them down, added a spacer (black vulcanized fiber that I got for knife handles)and a piece of highly figured walnut to the butt of grips; turning them into two-tone grips.

I thought that the end result turned out pretty decent.  Not too bad for my first attempt.

Of course there is no way to truly capture the beauty (and almost iridescence) of the wood in a photograph.  But without being able to share them with you personally, please enjoy the photo as an approximation.

Thanks for looking!

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