Here is an interesting article about some common shooting myths.


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Some good info on ballistics.  I think he might have been a little too flippant when it comes to the amount of energy it takes for a clean kill shot but the information is still pretty spot on.

No question that you can clean kill a deer with an.22 Long Rifle. I have seen it done !

It really comes down with the amount of joules that are released into the body combined with location and efficiency of the release.  So it comes down to a complicated formula involving mass/velocity/penetration/expansion.  

I killed one with a oak branch and a pocket knife.......figure the energy factors on that one. No, not my favorite go-to methodology, but delivered desired end results. Also, not proud or bragging, just sustaining life at the time, I poached more than 30 deer over the course of 2 years while working my way through school. All brain shot with a .22 LR, all DRT.

Have not poached since, but paying college tuition, books, fuel, lodging at $1.75/hr sawmill wage, did not allow much food purchasing. Anything with hair or scales became table fare.

You know Carl, I understand that completely. In the county where I live, yes poaching does go on. Its one of the poorest counties in Missouri and often what you hunt is all the protein you have to eat. Food Pantry is filled with carbohydrates, crackers, bread and maybe cans of soup and vegetables.  At some point, you may need to turn to hunting to survive and you may not have much to hunt with, but you use what you can. Lets face it, you are a born hunter, and over the years many have become desensitized to that and conditioned instead to go to the supernmarket.

Carl Rechsteiner said:

I killed one with a oak branch and a pocket knife.......figure the energy factors on that one. No, not my favorite go-to methodology, but delivered desired end results. Also, not proud or bragging, just sustaining life at the time, I poached more than 30 deer over the course of 2 years while working my way through school. All brain shot with a .22 LR, all DRT.

Have not poached since, but paying college tuition, books, fuel, lodging at $1.75/hr sawmill wage, did not allow much food purchasing. Anything with hair or scales became table fare.

There is poaching and there is poaching. Doesn't sound like you were killing for profit and or causing the endangerment of a species.  Seems to me you were just killing one of the "King's deer".

How stupid is this.  If I put rat poison in back yard I can get sued if my neighbor's dog eats it and dies, but if the city baits for rats on the other side of my fence, I can't sue them if my pet were to ingest it and die.   At the same time, I can't shoot a squirrel and eat it but the city considers them a nuisance and poisons them ant throws them in the trash. 

There is a $250 fine in the city for feeding pigeons.  There is a similar fine for intentionally killing them, yet once again the city puts out poison to kill them!

Go figure!

I hear you. The gov't can really be stupid and unreasonable. But.....as long as they can extract more money out of their supporting taxpayers......well, it's all good for them.

I think the one that gripes me the most is if my dog gets loose I'll get a fine. The neighbor's cat is always loose "Oh, we can't catch cats...too bad." The cat kills song birds and other wildlife, damages property, and disturbs the piece all night yowling. If I take care of things (and get caught) I will still get fined, but not my neighbor.

Please understand, I was not proud of my poaching. I was satisfied with clean one-shot kills, no waste and the ability to self sustain. I grew up in the woods and hope to expire there.

I've eaten city squirrels and they taste just fine. LOL
Tobias Gibson said:

There is poaching and there is poaching. Doesn't sound like you were killing for profit and or causing the endangerment of a species.  Seems to me you were just killing one of the "King's deer".

How stupid is this.  If I put rat poison in back yard I can get sued if my neighbor's dog eats it and dies, but if the city baits for rats on the other side of my fence, I can't sue them if my pet were to ingest it and die.   At the same time, I can't shoot a squirrel and eat it but the city considers them a nuisance and poisons them ant throws them in the trash. 

There is a $250 fine in the city for feeding pigeons.  There is a similar fine for intentionally killing them, yet once again the city puts out poison to kill them!

Go figure!


We have the issue here with folks being fined for keeping certain fish out of season or for not paying for a 50.00 tag to keep one.  If you have no money to eat but live next to prime fishing or hunting and you do not waste what you kill it should not be considered poaching..it is surviving

Sherwood Forrest?????


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