The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
Many times I have been heard to say, we do this for the next generation. This past week I was blessed enough to have our 9 yr old grandson for a whirlwind week of epic knifing.
First stop for Dakota was Blade Show. Last time he was here he was in a stroller and asleep. This time he was a little more active.
He was able to appreciate what being gifted a knife was like.
And understood what it was like to get some new reading material
A few days at home and it is off again!
Next stop? The knife shop with the big blue roof!
That’s right Smokey Mountain Knife Works ! I think I should have been afraid of the face we got as we entered the man cave
When your 9 yrs old a polar bear reminds you of a coca cola commercial I think. But you can count on the words come on PawPaw! to get some attention every time.
At the end of 3 hours he and Case the Wonder dog were as still as the porcupine.
But he is a trooper. At 730am he was right back outside SMKW waiting for the doors to open and getting a few early bird presents.
Before too long I hear “hey there is my new friend Mr. Tony”
And sure enough Tony Bose had arrived! Bringing with him a young lady that had not experienced SMKW before either! Ms. Hanna, Tony’s grand daughter and a true joy to spend some time with. She was even kind enough to let my heavy basket spend a few moments in here chair. It was so much fun to have 2 sets of eyes that had never been there before.
At the end of the day we stopped to do a little fishing
The last hour home was much the same as the return from Blade Show. One very asleep young man in the backseat with a large smile on his face. The first week with Nana and Papa comes to an end. The new adventure is starting with a holler as he ran up the stairs this morning yelling “papa says I can have the old forge and use his old anvil too!”
Well I guess that is one way for a 9 yr old to begin week 2 in the mountains
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