Suggested readin' - CARVING PEACH PITS by R.V. Dietrich.

We've also agreed to host the "Whittling and Woodcarving" group here also.  Discussions from June 20th-June 29th are from that group.

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it not a free country anymore jj they just have to many restrictions....
Guess so, Stephen.  At least the porch is still free and unrestricted...



GEC just came out with a new whittler, what do you think?

I think that I could cry...

That's plum purty.

J.J. Smith III said:

...<snip>...Had to re consider because they wouldn't let me light up my cigar while I worked...

Hey J.J., you might want to re-apply for that sturgin position. Now-a-days all the top docs are working via robots. You could sit out on the home porch, smoking stogie in hand, and "phone it in."  I've been checking for you and there does not seem to be a Wharncliffe-style blade for any of the regular scalpel handles. The closest I'm finding is the No. 16 blade which is a pretty fair sheepfoot equivalent.


Hey! P.S.! ..talking pits for a minute: are the best pits for carving fresh or after having been hardened off for awhile?

Aw, we could always modify that a bit. Just a little off the top.


As to pits.

You're jumping on to our third lesson. 

Been holding of on it till closer to season.  Got a few "babies" hanging on my tree now, so I've been getting ready.

I like mine dryer than fresh.  A fresh pit still fas a fair amount of liquid, though it will still carve well.  I've carved some that have only dried for as long as it took me to clean them off good and some that have dried for a few years.  A friend sent me some, that I don't know how long have been drying, but they are some of the hardest pits that I've carved.

Are them pits ready for the second installment?

That's the third lesson.

Having to wait till I can access my files on the home computer.  Can say though that I've got a few decent ones, so far, as we
ll as a whole bunch of split ones.  Split ones occour in "early" varieties.  Best time for the pits is from the middle of July till the end of the season.

Fruit is still good though. ;-)

Jan Carter said:

Are them pits ready for the second installment?
Thought about you tonight JJ, Had Peaches and nectarines for dinner
jj have u heard of a peachacot me and my dad brought back a tree from idaho 30 years everbody said it would not grow in kentucky after 23years it blomed and now i have a peachacot tree it is a mix of peach and arpracot we call peachacot real good fruit and has pits...


That sounds good

Hey folks,  save them pits.  I'll pay to have them shipped,  Especially them PEACHACOT Pits.  I'd like to see what one of them look like.

Went outside this past weekend to check on my peaches and found that the deer had eaten all of them.  Bout time to make a trip to the market...

There's a place in Spartanburg that sells canned whole spiced peaches.  I cant stand them but the Mrs and the youngest like them.  They've got real small (for peaches) pits.


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