Northeast Cutlery Collectors Association

WELCOME TO THE NCCA-Created by Arthur Green


The Northeast Cutlery Collectors Association, Inc. is a 20+ year old Association serving old, factory & custom cutlery collectors. We collect pocket knives, hunting knives, antique bowie knives, military knives, antique swords and more! Our association is based in New England, but our membership extends worldwide.

As with all collecting clubs, we started out small, very small- Believe originally we were 12 members strong in 1982. We had our swap meets in member's basements, cold barns, and usually in the summer... it was a backyard affair. As with any interesting and versatile hobby, membership grew, and it grew, toinclude not only antique pocket knife collectors and Bowie and hunting knives but also collectors of current factory made pocket knives, such as Queen and Case, moreover, we were joined by many custom knife makers. So now the club boasts membership of about 450, where half have life memberships. All of us who work doing either the website content, newsletter printing and mailing and administration are volunteers, and we do it for the love of the hobby.


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New NCCA Member Introduction

Posted by Sean O'Hare

Hello all.  I have recently joined NCCA as well as  iKnifeCollector and  thought I should introduce myself.


I am a full time knife maker living on Grand Manan Island in New Brunswick, Canada.  It is in the middle of the Bay of Fundy and is actually closer to Maine than it is to Mainland Canada.  My wife and I moved to Grand Manan a little over two years ago, before that we were living in the Northwest Territories (NWT) which makes up a large part of northern Canada. 


I generally make fixed blade hunter type knives using stainless steels such as RWL34, CPM154, and S30V.  Recently I have been working with a knifemaker in West Virginia (Herb Derr) learning how to make carbon damascus.  A few of the knives that I posted on my profile page show some of my newly created carbon damascus.  I am now working torwards getting setup to make steel in my own shop but progress has been slow.


At any rate I am very excited to have joined both NCCA and iKnife Collectors.  Hope to one day run in to many of you in person at a knife show.  I already know that I can't make the May Mystic show but am going to shoot for having a table next year.


Take Care,


Reply by Moe Legare on April 5, 2011

Hello Sean,

A warm welcome to the NCCA. I assume you have received your membership card by now. We're glad to have you as our first Canadian member of the NCCA. I asked Art to mail you a few flyers for your use any way you see fit. Like Jim I also have visited your site, you do excellent work.

 A couple of days ago I was reading the May issue of "Blade Magazine" and who's knife is shown on page 24 in the first location in the "Handmade Gallery" "The Steely Glare of CPM 154"  none other than Sean O'Hare . Congratulations Sean.  

There was a "warm" story on page 87 of  makerJack Barrett who is still making knives at the ripe old age of 87!  So there you go, don't start thinking of early retirement just yet....

You know, if you & Jim planned things just right you might be able to car-pool to one of the Marlboro MA shows this year, one in August another in November. Something to think about.


The NCCA mourns the passing on Sunday evening of Bill Cain the Marlboro show coordinator for more years than I can remember. Bill along with his wife Linda & daughter Lynn always made things run right. Bill had a great dedication to the NCCA.

 So many members in the last couple of days upon learning of Bill's passing mentioned how when they met him he made them feel welcomed and a FRIEND... We will have a memorial table dedicated to Bill at the Mystic show.

Speaking of Mystic I should remind our members & show attendees the show is on Sat. April 30th & Sat. May 1st, 2011. I noticed the 2010 date is still posted on the NCCA page. Sure would hate to see someone show up for the show a day late. 

Best regards.


Moe Legare

Treasurer NCCA  

Comment by James J Kelley on December 26, 2009

Greetings Art: I just joined this fine forum thought I'd say hello . Jim Kelley aka switchman1 aka springsteel

Comment by Moe Legare on December 26, 2009 

Hello Jim,

Nice to hear from you, glad to see you found our "home away from home". We're going to try to get as many NCCA members here as possible after the 1st of the year. This is a nice place to visit & chat with other members between knife shows.

Are you sure you don't miss the 19 degree and 20" of snow weather we're having? L.O.L.
Keep in touch.
Best regards.



Comment by David Villiard on December 29, 2009

Hello Art.. .congratulations on your Lates Aquisition. Looks like a pure piece of knifemaking history. Which makes it only right that it's in your collection.

Comment by Arthur Green on December 29, 2009 

Dave, Good to hear from you. Glad that you joined the group. I don't have a lot of time to devote to it but it should be of great benefi to many with in the club. Thanks for the congradulations on the Loveless, hope to show it to you in Marlboro. Happy New Year, Art

Comment by joel d gottfried on January 23, 2010 

Hello fellow members, Just found this site, joined and I hope to see you all soon.
Joel Gottfried

Comment by Arthur Green on February 3, 2010 

Fellow NCCA members, Keeping busy as usual just finished three shows in a row, Las Vegas , Albany and Saratoga Springs plus the January News Letter and Web site updates including a great group of pictures that were taken by Moe at the November Marlboro Show, check them out on the club Web Sitewww.ncca.info Best of all, Art

Comment by Daniel Howland on April 27, 2010

I love going to the shows, looking forward to the one this coming weekend in Mystic, I hope to find some good materials for knife handles, like buffalo horn and fosilized mammoth teeth. Thanks for being there NCCA!

Comment by Daniel Howland on May 25, 2010

The show was GREAT!! I got some water buffalo horn, india stag, fossilized mamoth teeth and tusk, mother of pearl,yellow lip and black lip and some Alabama damascus-ladder pattern. Spoke with knife makers, Paul Jarvis, Norm Bardsley, Tom McLuin, Designer Paul Rohaly, Chris Kravitt who has given me good advice with my sheith making over the years, Conversed with lots of great people! I love these shows!

Comment by Arthur Green on November 27, 2010

All Members, I agree with Joel and Jim, we should be able to get more members. I had posted an inventation to all of our members in two consecutive issues of our news letter and have had minimal response. I think we all need to keep trying. I will post the inventation again in upcoming editions of the NORTHEAST EDGE. Best of all, Art

Comment by Robert A. Paolantonio on January 5, 2014

Greetings pocket knife folks!! Here I am, Robert A. Paolantonio, Colonial Knife Company, Inc in Aug., 1997, bottom left, winning award for best "Factory Customized Knife".!!!

My blog is : myfamilybusinessbook@wordpress.com.., where my book is for sale..

Contact me here or at :bonfirebob11@cox.net

Comment by Robert A. Paolantonio on January 5, 2014

And this was the prize! A Customized, engraved bolster Case knife!!


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