I'm not sure if there is a discussion already or not but show 'em if you got 'em.  Let's see you fishing knives, as in the tools of the tackle box! (Folding, fixed, multi-tools, etc.)

Here's a few of my latest finds. What made them interesting is the bale.

Above knife is made by Sabre (Japan)  It features yellow comp handles and is just over 5 inches closed.  Below is another Japanese made knife. It features the infamous "cracked Ice" plastic pearl handles.  I couldn't pass it up for $9  simply because of the scissors and the bale. It is 4 inches closed.

Both knives in a side by side comparison

Tags: Fish, Knives


Views: 5123

Replies to This Discussion

Reply by Steve Hanner on June 18, 2013 at 14:41

Those are great! I have not seen one with a bail And the first one I have seen with scissors! You know this is a great idea! What if we saw the rebirth of the fish knife but with some of these bells and whistles? or instead of bells and whistles how about scissors and a bail?

Reply by Smiling-Knife on June 18, 2013 at 15:04

This is a fly fishing knife.

Reply by Tobias Gibson on June 18, 2013 at 17:00

Here is one of my fly fishers. (It was made in Sheffield)

Reply by Jan Carter on June 18, 2013 at 17:13

OK, I still dont understand why a fishing knife comes with a corkscrew LOL

Reply by Tobias Gibson on June 18, 2013 at 18:06

Primarily because there was a time when most bottles were closed with a cork.  Later fish knives tend have cap lifters. Has something to do with having the ability to open  a beverage while sitting in the boat or standing in the stream.

An original Victorinox Angler. (mid 1980s-mid 1990s)  Note that it has scissors instead of pliers. (The Fisherman has a Phillips instead of the corkscrew)

Reply by Tobias Gibson on June 20, 2013 at 18:15

Pakistani made Damascus Fish Knife with smooth camel bone scales.  Fairly nice for "junk" damascus.  Measures 5 inches closed.

Reply by Chuck Parham on June 21, 2013 at 4:53

In all my years of fishing, believe it or not, I've never had a fish knife in any of my tackle boxes. I either threw them back or carried them home for cleaning. However since I started collecting knives I have not overlooked these pieces. This is a Jowika fish knife I recently acquired.

Reply by Ken Spielvogel on August 19, 2013 at 17:45

Reply by Tobias Gibson on August 19, 2013 at 19:09

My new Rough Rider Fish Knife.   A biggie at 5 inches closed.  This is a new pattern for the line.  I hope to see more of them.

Nothing has happened  in this discussion for a while so I will try to get it going again.

I guess you could call this the "Queen" of my fish knife collection.

Queen Steel #46 fish knife 1 of 70 made for Chattahoochee Cutlery Club in 2005.

From David Clark, Queen historian:
The handles are bone - Winterbottom bone from the Winterbottom Bone factory of Egg Harbor, NJ. The bone was from c1958 and had been in storage but was found and used on several pattern in the 2005 time frame.

Queen Cutlery Company Fish Knife (1)

That's a Beautiful Fish Knife, Charles.  I love the hook sharpener!   I need to get me one with a hook sharpener.

 Not all folding fish knives are on a Toothpick frame!  Here is my RCMP Trapper Pattern Fish Knife.  It was made by Richards in Sheffield, England back in th e1960s or so I think,

Tobias, I have a Richards Sheffield fish knife.  Aside from the scales it is like yours.

Richards Fish Knife (1)

Richards Fish Knife (2)

Richards Fish Knife (3)


White River Knives

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