Many of us have dreamt of  "improving"  our knives.

Some have even implemented their improvements.

Here is a place to share and document those modifications.

Before & after pics are great .. I realize this isn't always possible .. I did some of mine years ago. A statement of design goals or modification purpose is a good place to start.

Identifying the desired changes & modifications is encouraged. As is a description of

the tools, any problems encountered, & methods used in the process.

A summary statement & pic of the final result will wrap it up !! 



Also .. a place to share our mistakes.

Share what works & what doesn't.

Conquered a problem .. post a solution.

Up against a problem .. query for another's advice.

Views: 8366

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.. glad I didn't actually remove any metal in the last excercise .. I changed my mind on the profile ..

.. fine tune the grind lines .. dagger blade profile results ..

.. computer simulation .. wonderful tool !!!!!!

Whoops .. notes too small
Upper left note .. stop blade re-profiling @ the indicated point
Bottom left note .. retain the full length of the blade blank by retaining the existing tip
Center line note .. re-profile the grind .. grind to cntr line .. introduce false edge along spine
.. a long narrow ellipse overlayed onto the blade profile .. used the outline as a trimming boundary .. insures a degree of symmetry .. typical dagger profile ..

.. if you fancy a different profile .. it can be "simulated" rather quickly !!!!
Daniel .. I've seen the posted pics of your sander .. extremely nice !!!!!!

What size wheel/roller do you use for those tight radiuses ??
.. on this particular example .. you drilled the pin holes after the scales were attached to the tang .. minimizing/eliminating alignment issues ..

On this DDR2 kit I'm wking on .. I have a set of xfer punches .. figured I'd profile the bolster/scale interface to fit .. securely clamp the scale in place .. & xfer punch the hole pattern ..

????????? Any advice ?????????
Great simulation demonstration! Isn't computer graphics software cool? Helps you visualize a modification much better than just trying to imagine it or even sketch it! For doing simulations, I've been using photo-editing software called ArcSoft PhotoStudio 5, which came with my digital camera. For simulations, CADD software is probably a lot better than my photo editing software, but for the simple kinds of simulations I do, learning CADD just isn't worth the time and effort. This is a little ironic, because I was a Civil Engineering project manager for 40 years before I retired, and CADD was essential in that work, but I never used it myself, only supervised folks who did. I do miss being able to draw smooth curves in my simulations, though. I also have Corel PaintShop Photo Pro photo- editing software, which is more powerful than the ArcSoft software, but can't figure out how to draw smooth curves with the Corel software, either.
How large is the download of the FastStone software? (I got slow ISP.)
Looks like it may work for me also, as I'm using a combination of 3 different basic programs now.
.. stabilized with an infusion of proprietary herbs & spices .. heat treated to perfection .. (leftovers ~ double XX) .. fully warrantied .. till the next barbecue ..
I saw some files on the Cherokee Reservation (NC) that were for sale for $35.00 with bone and $50.00 with stag tips. I figure that I could get me a set of 5 files for $3.99 and hook myself up. GRIN.
They work just fine for me...
.. hly shtzkee .. 10 bucks a pop for antler tips .. how much for the peach seed ones ??

I appropriated a golf ball from the dogs last night .. I'm gonna try Dan's suggestion .. will post the result when ........ say, got an xtra round tuit ..
No, that was $50.00 a pop. The files in Cherokee were sold SINGLE. The set I paid $3.99 for would have been $250.00. Hly shtzkee is right.

Oh, yes I do have one...


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