Good evening all,

I find myself asking a question that as of yet I cannot answer, nor find the resource from which to find an answer.

On the Remington DuPont knives (specifically the RH22) with a wooden handle, the stamping was done into the wooden handle.  Careful examination has led me to believe that these stamped characters were colored in somehow, but I cannot tell if the color was silver or white.  Also how was the color put into the stamping?

My "guess" (based upon manufacturing processes that I know about) is that the stamping was made with a layer of silver leaf on the handle.  The pressure of the stamping should have been sufficient to set the metal into the pressed in characters leaving the spaces between the letters unattached to be brushed off.  Does anyone have any ideas, or proof of the marking method?  I certainly do not trust only in my suspicions.

Or does anyone have a contact that might know the answer to these questions?  Trying to contact the current group of Remington customer help is useless.  All they seem to know of is the firearm and ammunition side of things.  That is a little understandable since it has been about 85 years since they made these knives...

MANY thanks!!

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Replies to This Discussion

Interesting question though I have no answer.

A 'Hail Mary' email to an old acquaintance, resulted in the this excerpt from the reply...

"The handle material was made of walnut with Remington, Dupont, stainless, RH – 22 stamped on the handle. It was not colored. If you have color on the handle, it is color that was placed there by the owner or by the incidental wear and use of the knife or by environmental conditions."


I wanted to share in case anyone else had a similar question.

Thank you for your support and interest in my 'in the weeds' question!


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