If you find yourself buying & carrying Leatherman, SOG, Gerber, Swiss Army, Swiss-Tech, Atwood, or other types of multi-tools than this is the club for you!

Tags: Multi, collectors, forum, tool

Views: 3774

Replies to This Discussion

Reply by James Casto on April 28, 2011

I have a photo album of my Leatherman tools. www.iknifecollector.com/photo/albums/leatherman-tools



Reply by J.J. Smith III on February 22, 2012

Ok,  here's the link to my Multi Tool album.  It's got most of mine in there.

Reply by Neill Currie on June 4, 2013

I had a tool just like thata while ago. Mine had a standard screwdriver tip in the end of that large serrated blade. As the blade didn't lock on mine, I *never* used the tip, and gifted it eventually.

Andy Voelkle "AxeMan" said:

The Coast Pocket Mechanic is strongest multitoool of all, Carried it EDC since early 90's

Reply by Sean Jamieson on October 31, 2013 

Nice collection! neat way to display and photograph them as well. Its hard not to turn into a collector from a user.

Here is my current collection. Keep in mind, I'm NOT a collector, I am a USER. Eash one has it's specific time and purpose. I've had a multi-tool on me EVERYDAY for the last 10 years so I know what I'm talking about when it comes to tools.

Reply by Steve Hanner on November 1, 2013

I like the ones that have a working pliers...nothing more valuable...well except pliers LOL

There is a pic of my Leatherman Sidekick! Courtesy of my friend JJ who knows I have no Lowes or Home Depot near me! And next pic is the one we care about... the knife! Notice if you will the little picture of a lock...yes it does lock!

Reply by Steve Hanner on February 28, 2014

Forgot to take a pic of the Croc! OK tomorrow!

Reply by Jeremy B. Buchanan on March 28, 2014

Here is my Buck mini tool. I think it fits in here.

Reply by Terry Ray on March 28, 2014

Its a amazing transformation that took place over the years, multi tools are so advanced and desirable to own and even collect. Nice!

Reply by Steve Hanner on March 29, 2014

That is a nice one Jeremy! I agree Terry, think about it...this category did not even exist a few years ago!

Reply by Andy Voelkle "AxeMan" on April 18, 2014 

I'm amazed to meet real collectors who actually collect unused knives in their factory packaging. All I've ever collected is simply keeping everything I buy to use, then buying more stuff and adding it to my "collection". Suppose I'm lucky to enjoy sharpening stuff successfully. It's a great feeling to take some dull hunk of blade and make it shave again. I sure do enjoy seeing all your knives. It's time I use my photo stuff to try for acceptable photos. Yo, bubbas!

Reply by Peter Howard on May 23, 2014 at 8:52

I EDC a Leatherman Micra in addition to my Case Mini Blackhorn.


White River Knives

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