Here is a place to post those Steel Warriors and Frost branded knives. I know that a lot of you out there have them. I have heard mention of them from time to time.. I started really getting into collecting on a lot of these because you could get whole sets for very little money. S0 here is a place that you can show them.

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Cool, thanks Jan, I'll check it out.

I back up everything to an external hard drive, in fact I have two separate external drives that I use. One for personal, the other for the non-profit organizations I'm a part of, (I'm an officer and take minutes at meetings, so have to keep those secured and available). I decided after dealing with my parents and two sibling's estates that I wouldn't do that to my daughter, (leave my affairs in disarray that is), so I'm trying to get as much of it documented as possible. I'm even going through the family photo albums and leaving notes so she knows who is who and what is where. In fact my daughter already knows where to look for my passwords, and her mother has my will, so I'm gettin' there. Not that I'm getting ready to check out or anything, nothing of the sort......I've got lots more knives to collect, I just don't want to leave a mess when I do go. Gives me an excuse to play with my knives anyway.

Jan Carter said:

Just make sure they have the password.  Manx did some testing on a program that Charles is also using you might like it!


one of the things I like about it is that Charles also keeps his on a thumb drive.  Even if there is a crash or glitch you have the whole thing that can be passed to someone.  The creator is a member and part of that discussion so if there are any questions, feel free to ask them

Struggling to get adequate photos, but I can at least show a group photo of my Frost knives of various brands, Steel Warrior included. I do have individual photos of most, but won't fill up the thread with them.

From the bottom left:

Frost "Red Hot"; ie, 5" Folding Hunter. Solid brass scrolled bolsters, smooth red bone handle. Very heavy knife, could be used as a club without even opening the blade.

Honk Falls 4 1/2" Stockman: Synthetic "stag" handles, brushed stainless blades, SS bolsters. New(er)/old-brand-name brand for Frost. Very inexpensive, obviously out of the same factory as the Miller Bros, (probably Guandong Victory, PRC), but a good usable knife with tight, sharp blades and good fit & finish.

Miller Bros, Re-Issue 4 1/2" Stockman: synthetic handles, polished stainless blades. A very nice knife, fit & finish are superb.

Steel Warrior 4 1/8" Trapper: red jigged bone handles, done very nicely, with polished German 440 SS blades Rockwell tested 56-58. My favorite trapper, lives in a sheath on my belt most days, visibly superior fit & finish.

Pride Cutlery 4 1/8" Trapper w/ Guitar Shield: yellow jigged bone handles, sharp, tight, polished blades. Good fit & finish, but not quite up to SW standards.

Pride Cutlery 4 1/8" Trapper: smooth brown bone handles w/ lightning bolt etch on the handles, (boring): Same description as above, well worth it's $10-$12 cost.

Frost Cutlery 3 7/8" Cuttin" Horse Stockman (2 of them): blue jigged bone handles. Very sharp, tight SS blades, good fit & finish.

Top Row from the left:

Hen & Rooster 2 3/4" Pen Knife: blue very thick jigged bone handles. Otherwise known as an "Equal Ended Pen Knife", this knife is superb. German steel, assembled in Spain. Heavy duty & heavy weight for it's size, feels more like a Stockman in the hand than a pen knife. My current preferred EDC for pocket use. A superb knife by any standards.

Frost Cutlery Large Sunfish: jigged jade bone handles. Fit & finish is very good. I carry it in a belt sheath. Great conversation starter.

Pride Cutlery 3 1/2" 4-Blade Congress: composite handles, SS, tight blades, but the main two blades are very, very thin. I wouldn't want to whittle with it, but a nice knife for opening letters. Good fit & finish.

Frost Cutlery 2 1/2" Folding Hunter: Frost Wood handles, over 20 yrs old. I inherited it from my late brother. Blade is tight and sharp.

Frost Cutlery Baby Saddlehorn Trapper: brown jigged bone handles, tight, sharp blades. A favorite EDC of mine. Fit & finish is very good. Purchased at the local hardware store, lives in my fanny pack.

I can't say anything negative about any of these knives. None of them have handle pins that aren't smoothed down to the handles, and the transition from handle to bolsters is smooth on all of them. ALL blades are tight, ALL springs are adequate and close the blades with a nice snap, and ALL blades are razor sharp. I have a few USA Bucks that can't stack up in fit & finish with these knives. I'm sure these won't be my last Frost brand knives.

How do you like their "Bear Claw" (the 5 inch Lockback?  Is it made in China or Pakistan?

The Chinese made ones I have are far superior to the Pakistan made ones. But with that said, I do have quite a few Frost and Whitetail, which are mostly made in Pakistan.
Most of what I have are good for users. They are hit and miss on quality sometimes. Good looking set of knives.

Syd Carr said:

Struggling to get adequate photos, but I can at least show a group photo of my Frost knives of various brands, Steel Warrior included. I do have individual photos of most, but won't fill up the thread with them.

From the bottom left:

Frost "Red Hot"; ie, 5" Folding Hunter. Solid brass scrolled bolsters, smooth red bone handle. Very heavy knife, could be used as a club without even opening the blade.

Honk Falls 4 1/2" Stockman: Synthetic "stag" handles, brushed stainless blades, SS bolsters. New(er)/old-brand-name brand for Frost. Very inexpensive, obviously out of the same factory as the Miller Bros, (probably Guandong Victory, PRC), but a good usable knife with tight, sharp blades and good fit & finish.

Miller Bros, Re-Issue 4 1/2" Stockman: synthetic handles, polished stainless blades. A very nice knife, fit & finish are superb.

Steel Warrior 4 1/8" Trapper: red jigged bone handles, done very nicely, with polished German 440 SS blades Rockwell tested 56-58. My favorite trapper, lives in a sheath on my belt most days, visibly superior fit & finish.

Pride Cutlery 4 1/8" Trapper w/ Guitar Shield: yellow jigged bone handles, sharp, tight, polished blades. Good fit & finish, but not quite up to SW standards.

Pride Cutlery 4 1/8" Trapper: smooth brown bone handles w/ lightning bolt etch on the handles, (boring): Same description as above, well worth it's $10-$12 cost.

Frost Cutlery 3 7/8" Cuttin" Horse Stockman (2 of them): blue jigged bone handles. Very sharp, tight SS blades, good fit & finish.

Top Row from the left:

Hen & Rooster 2 3/4" Pen Knife: blue very thick jigged bone handles. Otherwise known as an "Equal Ended Pen Knife", this knife is superb. German steel, assembled in Spain. Heavy duty & heavy weight for it's size, feels more like a Stockman in the hand than a pen knife. My current preferred EDC for pocket use. A superb knife by any standards.

Frost Cutlery Large Sunfish: jigged jade bone handles. Fit & finish is very good. I carry it in a belt sheath. Great conversation starter.

Pride Cutlery 3 1/2" 4-Blade Congress: composite handles, SS, tight blades, but the main two blades are very, very thin. I wouldn't want to whittle with it, but a nice knife for opening letters. Good fit & finish.

Frost Cutlery 2 1/2" Folding Hunter: Frost Wood handles, over 20 yrs old. I inherited it from my late brother. Blade is tight and sharp.

Frost Cutlery Baby Saddlehorn Trapper: brown jigged bone handles, tight, sharp blades. A favorite EDC of mine. Fit & finish is very good. Purchased at the local hardware store, lives in my fanny pack.

I can't say anything negative about any of these knives. None of them have handle pins that aren't smoothed down to the handles, and the transition from handle to bolsters is smooth on all of them. ALL blades are tight, ALL springs are adequate and close the blades with a nice snap, and ALL blades are razor sharp. I have a few USA Bucks that can't stack up in fit & finish with these knives. I'm sure these won't be my last Frost brand knives.

great display of colorful warriors billy, thanks for sharing these!  fine looking bowie too.

i ran across a bunch of pictures of some others I have. I really need to find time to post them here. Kind of a shame I started this discussion and only posted that one picture.

likewise billy, I have a bunch of old pictures too. it's just a matter of finding time to post some of them.  LOL

Nice display!!

I have to agree with Billy.  The Chinese ones are pretty decent. The folding Palistani knives I'm not crazy about.  I cringe everytime they say German Steel on the show because that usually translates to Pakistani made.

You pegged it Tobias, it is Pakistani. Not a bad knife really, very heavy duty, but kinda clunky compared to my PRC knives. Cost less than $10, so worth it despite it's manufacturing origins. A little heavy to carry IMO, so I only carry it occasionally. Looks good on display though, so I have it sticking out of my "knife stump" with my fixed blades.

Tobias Gibson said:

I have to agree with Billy.  The Chinese ones are pretty decent. The folding Palistani knives I'm not crazy about.  I cringe everytime they say German Steel on the show because that usually translates to Pakistani made.

You know,  I've got a roll that I need to get pics of.

Billy Oneale said:

i ran across a bunch of pictures of some others I have. I really need to find time to post them here. Kind of a shame I started this discussion and only posted that one picture.


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