I was thinking we could have a IKC fishing contest for this spring and summer for our members. I know, you are probably saying how can we weigh fish and with different types of fish north and south east and west, well how can it be done.  Easy, It would not be the biggest but the Best Fishing Picture of one of our members for this fishing season. Yea, who has a great picture with them or their childern and of course a Fish. We could have a judge pick the best picture of the contest. The winner would get a knife of course. Please let me know if ya'll would be interested in it. I think it would be alot of fun. Lets talk the idea up and see what comes of it.

First Prize

Second Prize

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Reply by Robert Burris ... That little man will remember this the rest of his life. 


When just a lil tike ~4 yrs old ... my Dad took me to a city park fishen ..  a mallard ingested my nightcrawler .. Dad had to cut the line. Fifty some yrs later ... vivid memories !!!

Just one month to the end of our contest.  Get your photos in....you may win a knife

Love all the pics! Caught this one when I was out with my friends.

Nice work Josh, what a beautiful place to go fishing

Thanks Jan! Its my favorite place to fish!
Jan Carter said:

Nice work Josh, what a beautiful place to go fishing

Good job, Josh! Good to hear from you, good luck.

Here are 2 photos from MN this summer. We were fishing every day and caught plenty of fresh fish.


Thanks for your entry.  I hear MN is beautiful and it is a state I have always wanted to visit 

Not sure when the contest ends, but here's my entry from this past weekend.....



Awesome picture, sure looks like grandpa was having some fun there! 

We had fun, but for the life of me I don't know how anybody in their right mind lives in the state of Florida in the summer, and I've been doing it for 30 years.........

Me too Scott...We are going to the mountains for a weekend next month just to see some fall and feel a cool crisp morning


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