Deer jumping fence

Fauntleroy F. Fox  (Anyone else remember The Fox and the Crow comic books?)


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Charles, no, that is a salt block.

Went hunting for a Doe tonight and had good shots at another 4 pt and then the big buck was back again, standing broadside - I think I heard him say "ha ha you can't shoot me, you already have your Buck - haha" - I am getting to old for this.

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Picked that picture up off a Trail Cam(Not mine) imagine seeing those!

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I am dreaming of a Buck that big!

Steve, so far there haven't been any hogs in the area I hunt.  If I ever see any they will definitely be on the shooting list.

I haven't gotten a 10 point on my game camera yet but I have come close.  I have a 9 point.  The one in back is the 9 point.

Steve, great pics - what a Buck

Real nice bucks. We have hogs, where I hunt and they are in packs of several together, sometimes. I would worry more about a wild hog, than a black bear. Unless, it's a mother with a bear cub.

Robert, a farmer a few miles from where I live had his corn crop nearly destroyed by hogs.  A friend of mine has been trying to get permission for him and me to hunt them.  But so far no luck.

Charles, hope you finally get that permission. I would love to Hog Hunt, we have some way east of here but none around here. Good Luck on that.

This guy has been hanging around - an uneven 8 pt

Went hunting last night. Very cold up the tree. At about 5:20pm this Buck came by about 20 yds out. I can only shoot a Doe now and saw none. This is the stand I shoot from - and where I shot my Buck back on Oct 30th.


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