8th Biennial Show & Family Reunion
When : Friday July 26th - Saturday July 27th, 2013
Where : Pleasantville Fire Hall, Pleasantville, PA 16341
(note) Pleasantville is 5 miles East of Titusville on PA 27
Hours : Public: Friday Noon - 5pm, Saturday 8am - 4pm
Dealers: Friday 7am - Noon, Saturday 7am - 8am
Additional Info :

Cookout and Wine & Cheese Party : Friday 26th at 6pm. 
Tickets $20.00/person

Thursday Morning there are tours of the Factory and a Queen/Daniels Family get together Thursday evening

Donnie and I will be there....Will you?  How many iKnifeCollector members can we meet?

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Day Two:

David Mullins came in today to give his finale inspection while Pat & Emery finalized some of the landscaping.

Jan,we will be there around noon on Thursday.Ryan,I bet your dad doesn't do alot of sweeping at work.


Ya'll Drive careful!  

Ryan, I dont know who took that but it is a classic David Mullins look!

Pics will be better tomorrow I will get to the factory befor the sun starts coming in those magnificant window

This was our first trip to the Queen Factory.  Tomorrow I give you a feel for what is like when you get there but if you have never seen this iconic building, YOU NEED TO!  This building just just feels like an old home for loved knives when you open the door.  This visitors book tells a story all on its own


This case show the knives of 1957-1959 and has the original prices on it

There were so many impressive items in this small store that you will be amazed, I know I was.  The most impressive?  Ashley greeting you like a part of the family.  Many people came in the door while we were there and everyone that came in knew that the folks at Queen were genuinely happy to see them and spend a little time with them.  The building screams history and folks that work there show their pride in the work they do and the obvious joy at having the knife folks there to share in it.

There are a couple of raffles going on at the show and I will get pics but I wanted to say a special Kudo's to Ken Daniels because one of the knives is being raffled for the "employees fund"

The show knife is a must have for us when you see this one you know exactly why LOL

We did get to spend a few moments with the Daniels Family this afternoon and you can tell it has been a busy day for them also as you can see Courtney, her Dad Joe and Riley leaving as we were also 

This is just torture!!  WHY can't I be there.......??!!

At least folks like me can enjoy the pictures.  Thanks Jan!!

Simply awesome to see these pics and read your verbiage.  Thanks Jan!

It is a great old building and seeing people working in it is the BEST!!!! Keeping talented people working is a beautiful thing. Getting inside the building was the best, all that are going on the tour will be supper impressed.


See you all this afternoon and please come visit us at the JBF Champlin table, Mike

Great pictures! Looking forward to some great show moments!

Jan, thank you for posting all the pixs. This is a historic facility & I regret that I could not attend this historic event. The Daniels' have taken on an operation that I trust will only add to additional history & resurgence of Queen.

Thanks Guys!

I did get some video from the tour and of going into the building but they will have to be edited so I will get them up when I get home.

So lets look at what the day looked like? As you walk in the door there is some large displays on the wall

These displays must be 6 ft tall

Turn out was great and some of the stories in the room were fantastic.  I heard a lot of folks talking about the first time they visited, some of them 40 years ago.  The general theme was that everyone was excited about the Daniels Family new adventure, the future of this historic company and the fact that the number of employees has gone up putting more folks to work in this small and wonderful town.  Many folks got a chance to spend time with Ken or Jennie

This gentleman and his brother were kind enough to give me a ride to this show and I was awfully glad I was there when he found Ken to see these knives.  The were only available for two years, very limited runs.  Not only does he have the entire set in Pristine Condition but he has ALL the paperwork from those years include the Queen Credit Application that came out with the order forms

I had an opportunity to speak with several of the employees there today and each one I talked with was just excited to have us all there.  There was a general feeling of excitement by everyone there.  We ended the day with a meet and greet, some very cool knife/Queen themed cakes.  We will share those pics with you too.  

One of my favorite displays there?


White River Knives

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