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Started by Ken Spielvogel. Last reply by George R Naugle Oct 10, 2023. 63 Replies 4 Likes
I like the Remington knives - but they are quite pricey. Even the year knives can get expensive. But they are fun to collect and I really enjoy the ones I have.Show some pics of your Remingtons. Does…Continue
Started by Christian . Last reply by Christian Aug 7, 2023. 1 Reply 0 Likes
Remington damascus R293 I found at a gun show. It has 000 engraved on the bolster and "BOB PRE PRODUCTION" on the box. Perfect shape. Any info is appreciated! Sorry about the post in the wrong spot.…Continue
Started by Ed Campbell. Last reply by Ed Campbell Dec 28, 2022. 3 Replies 0 Likes
Other than the last GEC manufactured bullet knife, there has been "doodly squat" out there for news, other than the PR release in January ref Remington Cutlery reborn…Continue
Started by Mike Baugh. Last reply by George R Naugle Dec 26, 2022. 10 Replies 3 Likes
I have a Remington R16 that is in WAY too good of shape to be what the tang stamp dates it at. The stamp dates to 1933-35. I have heard tales that they might have remade these in the 80's, but cannot…Continue
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Also, re my previous post, the price at which it is offered is quite low. It purports to be an original, and such will bring hundreds.
One has to be careful when looking at an Ebay ad. for example, check out this one. The bullet on the handle is in the wrong place, and the knife has no number as most bullet knives do.
Ahhhh! Good to learn! Thank you
Ever so glad to get edge-ama-cated about something I know nothing about.
Like I said earlier I know nothing about bullet knives beyond what the most common of knowledge might be.
Ask me something about the RH sheath knives, and I might be able to help a little bit. ;)
As to the original post I made regarding a knife on Ebay purporting to be an original bullet knife model R193, I would stay away from this one. While the price seems reasonable to cheap for an original 1920s vintage bullet knife, I believe this is not one, but is either a fantasy knife or a counterfeit.
My apologies for my fat fingers on the keyboard. The single blade bullet knife below is a model R 1253.
Actually the series that started in 1982 is a series of reproductions. The original bullet knives were produced and sold mostly in the 1920s and early 1930s. If in good condition, the originals can be quite valuable, selling for prices approaching $2000 or even more. A couple of the originals were single blade, but most were two blade knives.
I have two references to the originals. I can find none issued with the R 193 stamp. Not sure where this one came from, but it is suspect. The only R 193 knife I can find in my references is a teardrop jack knife with a spear and a punch blade.
I have a complete collection of all of the repro bullet knives, started when the first one came out in 1982. Still working on the originals, but can't afford some of them that are in near mint or mint condition.
Here is a photo of some of my older remingtons:
G'morning George
I make NO clains to being knowledgeable about bullet knives at all....\
But just to the common everyday person, The bullet knives started in 1982, right? I found a poster that showed every bullet knife issued up through 2012. The VAST majority of them were multi-bladed (mostly 2). The few that had single blades did not match the description of what I saw in the auction. There were a couple of toothpicks (obvious 'no'), a coke-bottle, and a couple of other designs that did not match.
At least for the first 30 years of bullet knives, I see nothing even close.
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