George R Naugle
  • Saint Thomas, PA
  • United States
  • User/Collector
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  • Kevin D
  • Eric Hall
  • J.J. Smith III

George R Naugle's Discussions

Hoping to add a Holley to my collection

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kevin D on Sunday. 6 Replies

They usually bring way more than I can justify spending on another pocket knife, but I keep looking.  Does anyone know of a good price guide?Continue


George R Naugle's Page

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George R Naugle posted photos
George R Naugle commented on Nick Hansen's group Fixed Blade Club
"and finally, a pair of Marbles"
George R Naugle commented on Nick Hansen's group Fixed Blade Club
"Third, a Lon Humphrey"
George R Naugle commented on Nick Hansen's group Fixed Blade Club
"Second, a Jesse Hemphill"
George R Naugle commented on Nick Hansen's group Fixed Blade Club
"A few of my nicer fixed blades: First, a Scagel"
George R Naugle commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB
"Also, re my previous post, the price at which it is offered is quite low.  It purports to be an original, and such will bring hundreds."
George R Naugle commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB
"One has to be careful when looking at an Ebay ad. for example, check out this one.  The bullet on the handle is in the wrong place, and the knife has no number as most bullet knives do.  ad"
Kevin D replied to George R Naugle's discussion Hoping to add a Holley to my collection
"well done!"
George R Naugle replied to scott w's discussion Holley MFG Question
"A nice Holley dirk:"
George R Naugle replied to Doug Ritter's discussion Knife Rights: Celebrating 50 Bills in 31 States in 16 Years!
"Those who push for banning knives are the same people who push to eliminate the second amendment.  Knives are "arms." The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
George R Naugle replied to George R Naugle's discussion Hoping to add a Holley to my collection
"A Holley Dirk"
George R Naugle posted a status
"https://www.allaboutpocketknives.com/catalog/content/remington-bullet-knives Link to an article about the original remington…"
George R Naugle commented on George R Naugle's photo

RH 72 P and RH 74 P

"Yes, the stag handled one is an RH 73, but it was subject to sharpening abuse."
Kevin D commented on George R Naugle's photo

RH 72 P and RH 74 P

":) oh yes.  I do like that.  thank you. The stag handled one.  An RH73?  If I am recalling correctly, that one should have an etching as well.  Hard to find one of these in good enough condition that the etching survived…"
George R Naugle commented on George R Naugle's photo

RH 72 P and RH 74 P

"Another photo for your enjoyment, Kevin."
Kevin D commented on George R Naugle's photo

RH 72 P and RH 74 P

"Whoops.  I got the 72 and the 74 mixed up in my first post.  Sorry about that! On yours, I believe there should be a standing buck, and a doe and fawn laying down.  (never mind that fawns and antlers don't happen in the same…"

Profile Information

How did you hear about iKnifeCollector?
Surfed the internet and blundered into it
Do you currently subscribe to any knife publication (offline)
How long have you collected knives?
36 to 40 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
I like fixed blade knives, but it is hard to pick them over folders.
About Me
I am an old guy. I collect knives, not the boxes they come in.
Old Remington knives
Other Hobbies
Hunting and nearly anything outdoors

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At 20:39 on February 3, 2023, J.J. Smith III said…

Thanks for the request,  George.

Friends are always welcome. 

At 7:25 on January 8, 2023, Jan Carter said…

The 5 top things to do when you join iKnifeCollector!

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Best Photo upload size?  640x480

and join us in the chatroom if you have any questions or just want to chat

At 11:34 on December 20, 2022, J.J. Smith III said…

Welcome to iKC, George.

It's good to have you here . 


White River Knives

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