lou gerrick
  • Cosby, TN
  • United States
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Kevin D commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB
"Looks Good George! I am looking to upgrade my RH35, but I guess I am being picky...  no...  "Selective" of these RH knives.  As nice of a condition as they might be, I am shying away from any PAL knives.  But thank you!"
Mar 12
George R Naugle commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB
"A new addition: RH32"
Mar 1
George R Naugle commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB
"Another Remington fixed blade; RH75"
Feb 26
George R Naugle commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB
"This photo shows the number"
Feb 20
George R Naugle commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB
"It finally got here.  It is actually in a bit better condition than I expected it to be, perhaps near mint?"
Feb 20
George R Naugle commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB
"I am anxiously awaiting shipment of a knife I purchased.  It is a Remington model 1613  fish and toothpick style with the round shield.  Admitedly it is not in mint condition, but I just couldn't pass it up.  This one is an…"
Feb 14
George R Naugle commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB
"Also, re my previous post, the price at which it is offered is quite low.  It purports to be an original, and such will bring hundreds."
Feb 9
George R Naugle commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB
"One has to be careful when looking at an Ebay ad. for example, check out this one.  The bullet on the handle is in the wrong place, and the knife has no number as most bullet knives do.  ad"
Feb 9
George R Naugle commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB
"I do have a few Remington fixed blade knives, Kevin. My most recent aquisition is an RH 4, no sheath.  I will probably make one for it.   Remington made a at least two plastic handled knives:  RH 72 P and RH74P"
Feb 7
Kevin D commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB
"Ahhhh!  Good to learn!  Thank you Ever so glad to get edge-ama-cated about something I know nothing about. Like I said earlier I know nothing about bullet knives beyond what the most common of knowledge might be. Ask me something about…"
Jan 19
George R Naugle commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB
"As to the original post I made regarding a knife on Ebay purporting to be an original bullet knife model  R193, I would stay away from this one.  While the price seems reasonable to cheap for an original 1920s vintage bullet knife, I…"
Jan 19
George R Naugle commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB
"My apologies for my fat fingers on the keyboard.  The single blade bullet knife below is a model R 1253."
Jan 19
George R Naugle commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB
"This one is an original R 1254 single blade.  It was reputed to be Al Capone's favorite."
Jan 19
George R Naugle commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB
"Actually the series that started in 1982 is a series of reproductions.  The original bullet knives were produced and sold mostly in the 1920s and early 1930s.  If in good condition, the originals can be quite valuable, selling for prices…"
Jan 19
Kevin D commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB
"G'morning George I make NO clains to being knowledgeable about bullet knives at all....\ But just to the common everyday person, The bullet knives started in 1982, right?  I found a poster that showed every bullet knife issued up through…"
Jan 19
George R Naugle commented on lou gerrick's group REMINGTON KNIFE CLUB
"I saw a knife listed  on Ebay this morning that purports to be an original remington bullet knife # R193.  The problem I have is that there is no such original bullet knife of that number or design in any of my references.  Any…"
Jan 19

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How long have you collected knives?
31 to 35 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
remington,western fixed blade knives
About Me
retired in the "SMOKY MOUNTAINS", HAVE interest in switchblades by REMINGTON (R2403), REMINGTON and WESTERN fixed blade knives
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Comment Wall (18 comments)

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At 12:38 on May 19, 2018, Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said…

At 12:42 on May 18, 2017, Jan Carter said…

At 12:07 on May 18, 2017, Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said…

At 4:31 on February 1, 2017, albert melton thornton said…

Lou you would really enjoy meeting Ken at Bear, not just him but his whole company, they are like a large family. They just had their annual community sell. You can get some real bargains.Ken and the Bear factory worker's are a very good example of what we call Southern hospitality. I have some nice Bear knives as well as a few Remington's.

So if you ever get down this way you will have a personal guide at your Beck & Call 

At 4:20 on February 1, 2017, albert melton thornton said…

At 21:33 on May 18, 2016, Jan Carter said…

At 13:10 on May 18, 2016, Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said…

At 5:23 on May 18, 2014, Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said…

At 10:36 on May 18, 2013, Max McGruder said…

Happy Birthday!

At 2:22 on May 18, 2013, Ron Cooper said…


White River Knives

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