i used listen to people tell me you don't won't a r. r. they are made in china and are cheap knifes but i decided to find out for my self and i am glad i did.they make a knife for everbody and i like the quality maybe they are not good for resale but i am a collector of knifes so it does not matter.i always say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. here is one i bought and i am glad i did.

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Replies to This Discussion

Tom Hudson said:

There not cheap knives! they have a great retail price but the knives themselseves are great


When it comes to knives made in China, it is hard to top a Rough Rider and there is indeed a RR for everyone's tastes.  Two patterns I love to collect are Riggers (The knives with Marlin Spikes) and large frame Toothpicks (5 inches closed)  I've already got the 4 RR riggers and the 5 lg. toothpick.  Beyond specific patterns, I also collect knives of a variety of patterns with white smooth bone handles.  I have 19 of those with 14 of them being by RR.

My latest craze if the RR Canittlers.  I've just started collecting them but will get that collection complete by end of summer, probably.  These don't include by few odds and ends. ( a couple of the Stoneworx and Arrowhead knives)

If you're a friend of RR on Facebook, you'll see most of my collection there.  About 3/4 of the photos are my knives. 



Reply by Tobias Gibson 1 hour ago


...My latest craze if the RR Canittlers.  I've just started collecting them but will get that collection complete by end of summer, probably....


Bet you won't find another Canittler like this one...






Okay!  I give.  What is the scale material on that handle?

Ain't it a peach?


It's a peach seed jigged, PEACH PIT.


Too cool, JJ   !!!



are you in love or are you packin that peach seed knife:)


I installed some Elephant dung scales one time - I got the dung from a guy who stablized it - it might have been stablized but when i ground it - it stilled smelled like poop:) at least that what the guy told me it was.

Always thought that peach seed jigging looked more like barn door jig.

Wanted to have a real peach pit as scales.  Went through half a dozen till I found one that was big enough for this little knife.


Just how do you stabilize elephant crap, and more importantly WHY?  Certainly not to just re-handle a knife with. 

I've seen the pic though and didn't smell a thing.

I met the guy at a gun show - he stablize burl woods by injecting rosin under hi heat and pressure somehow - never seen the process done - I use to make high end ink pens with stablize wood -

I remember doing business with SMKW back in the 70's. They had about a five page "newspaper" style catalog - no internet in those days! They've come a LOOONG way!

Tobias Gibson said:

SMKW owns Rough Riders as well as several other companies.  To date, these are the companies I'm aware of but it is not all of SMKW brands.:

Black Jack
Colonel Coon
Cripple Creek
Indian Head
Rough Rider


Of the companies listed, the following have some production take place at the SMKW factory in China:

Indian Head
Rough Rider



They do own a lot, from what I've seen, but yeah.....Rough rider does have a knife for everyone

They have more than one for me.

Steven Matthew said:

They do own a lot, from what I've seen, but yeah.....Rough rider does have a knife for everyone


White River Knives

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