I got this Schrade at SMKW last summer.

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I like the style of this one, have you carried it?  I was wondering about the clip, it looks a bit long.  Does it let the knife release out of the pocket well?

I have never carried it.  I tried it just now and it releases out of the pocket just fine.  I have never used it but it feels good just handling it.  It seems to be a well made knife.  The lockup on the blade is very solid, no movement at all.  The blade has good snap both opening and closing.  The handles are solid aluminum.

Hey Charles!  Thank you, good to know

Looks to be finely constructed, would make a stout user. Do you plan to use it?

I believe it would make a very good user.  I haven't used it yet and probably won't use it as an EDC.  My little Case Mini Blackhorn is just about perfect for that for me.  I have been thinking about taking it with me when hunting or riding my 4 wheeler or doing anything that might require me to a little heavier cutting.

I only paid $6 for it at SMKW.  I think it must have been a close out item.  It was on a table in an isle with a lot of other knives.  I think it may well be the best buy I ever made on a knife that I actually paid for.  I have several knives that were given to me and it is hard to beat a price of free.


White River Knives

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