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Comment by Clint Thompson on December 12, 2011 at 16:27

TOPS fans.  Well I took the CUMA TAK-RI out and ran it through its paces.  I chopped on 1/2" White ash limbs and hung from the blade to see if it would snap.  This knife is not well suited for chopping as it is too light.  The handle, even with leather gloves, hurt my hand while I was chopping on the small limbs. Putting all I had into the swings it took three hacks to cut the 1/2" White ash limbs.  The blade did hold my 210 pounds without snapping and plunging me to the ground.  I called Johnny Tsai the designer and told him the handle is way too small.  I noticed TOPS put this type of handle on many of their knives.  This is not a good handle for a working knife which could be used in situations where life and death is in the balance.

I like the design, the partial serrated edge, the partial double edged blade but felt when TOPS came to the handle the engineers went on a coffee break.  If your a big TOPS fan the CUMA TAK-RI would make a good Christmas present.

Comment by Clint Thompson on November 29, 2011 at 17:33

I just received this TOPS Knife this evening.  My assignment is to write an article about the CUMA TAK-RI as it is depicted in the "IDW GI JOE Comic, Snake Eyes issue 4 thru 6.  My first impression is this is one great knife.  The handle is somewhat small for my comfort.  Here are some pics.

Comment by Jan Carter on November 28, 2011 at 19:02

No need for me to tell you that I am a traidtional collector but I sure like the Vulcan The information on the link below is extremely interesting about the choices Tops has for materials and why they chose the ones they have.  Great reading

Comment by Clint Thompson on October 23, 2011 at 8:58


Yes wood has been used for a weapon for the better part of the last 10,000 years. But try and clean a buck deer or an elk or a buffalo with a wooden knife.  The Native Americans us flint, bone and antlers to clean the animals they killed.  I have a wooden letter opener at my house but I defer its use to the use of my index finger to open letters.

The Aztecs also used wood for weapons such as war clubs.  I would say wooden swords would be better than steel as this would cut down the cost of medical care.  However, in these more modern times I will invest in steel cutting devices and not wood.

Big congratulation to you on the daughters getting or close to getting their black belt in Tae Kwon Do and Kendo.  In my youth I worked hard for three years and received my black belt in Tae Kwon Do.  Be safe and cut often.


Comment by Shlomo ben Maved on October 23, 2011 at 7:22

Comment by Clint Thompson yesterday


 A wooden knife?  This would put a new meaning on "laying the wood on them". LOL!  I notice the bartender defender has a bottle opener.....a dual purpose knife.  A net knife.


What’s so far fetched about a wooded knife?

I’ve actually seen wooden blades get bevelled down enough where you could actually cut with them, they were that sharp and left the paper flap of an envelope looking as if it was cut by a very sharp steel blade…Stabbed into a body it would sever organs, muscles and tissue just as well as a steel blade would.

I know during both World Wars each side employed quite lethal wooden bullets.

A few of the major makers had also made wooden knife shaped items over the decades to be used as letter openers.

Our have practice broadswords, bastard, hand and a half, two hand, backswords and even rapiers either made out of wood or aluminium (stage fights) and they get abused quite a lot, quite severely and quite often and they hold up quite well…I play at rapier & buckler, sword & main gauche, broadsword and shield and my daughters practice with their wooden bokken for their Tae-kwon-do black belt and Kendo training

Comment by Clint Thompson on October 21, 2011 at 10:17


A wooden knife?  This would put a new meaning on "laying the wood on them". LOL!  I notice the bartender defender has a bottle opener.....a dual purpose knife.  A net knife.

I am still waiting on my team to coordinate a meet so we can review the Back Bite.  One is teaching college and the other is running a successful business which makes things difficult.  I will post with pics when we get this done.

Comment by Clint Thompson on October 6, 2011 at 12:32

Today I received the TOPS Back Bite knife for evaluation and also included is the TOPS survival whistle.  The nice folks at TOPS sent one of their cool tee-shirts as well.  Today is a good day.


I will report back to the group after my team and I evaluate this Back Bite.

Comment by Jan Carter on September 22, 2011 at 18:22

Thanks Gary,

Did not realize there had been a collaboration.  Turned out well, good looking knife

Comment by Gary Nelson on September 14, 2011 at 5:57

This ia a Buck/Tops collaboration, CSAR-T.  Nice knife, got one in and it sold right away.

Comment by Jan Carter on August 10, 2011 at 19:09

Nice Blade Stan

Comment by Stan T on August 7, 2011 at 8:58

Thought it was time to finally get my long wished for knife from TOPS. Found it at a great price and I am thrilled by the purchase. What a great knife! The pictures do not do it justice. You have to hold it to believe how cool it is. Here it is. The TOPS Stryker Defender Tool:

Comment by DELTA ANGEL on June 24, 2011 at 22:54

when bored at work and ya like to play with your knife, settle for nothing less than the best, TOPS all the way.

Comment by DELTA ANGEL on June 13, 2011 at 3:09

on the pic below, my favorite fighting fixed blade while in the army was my TOPS ranger's edge shown on my left side fixed to my loadout in an aftermarket spec ops sheath, best most balanced no nonsense git-r-done fighter i've come across. unshown is a c.a.t. model fixed blade carried as a last ditch weapon in my inner waist band. TOPS is where it's at.

Comment by Jan Carter on June 12, 2011 at 21:09

Actually have one more for ya'll


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