Has anyone done anything to get ready for a "Solar Flare Up" that may damage the electrical grid on planet earth for anywhere from 3 months to 10 years? The prediction is for late December of 2012. Food, water, protection and a wide variety of essentials will be needed if this comes to pass. I don't want to scare anyone but I would like for everyone to look at what has been said and prepare if they think it is to their best interest. I would like to know ya'll idea's on this subject and what your plans might be.

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37degrees, 22' 13.98" N. by 97degree, 10' 14.68" W.

My guess is we loose power and civil disorder erupts to the point of social breakdown, the folks on death row will be handed over to the Lord for his dealings and the rest would be released.  After this, the guards would leave to take care of their own families....like we all would have to do.  As for the non-death row prisoners released, if they continue their illegal ways it would be my guess Curbstone Justice would come in play with quick and a final dealing.  There will be no repeat offenders, therefore the crime rate would plummet.

So Ron, did you decide which one?

Interesting Jan. Thanks.  I was just at a gun show and MRE are a hot item...along with ammo and guns and cutting tools which can lob off Zombie heads.  LOL!!

It's always good to be prepared I'm not THAT old I can't remember my Scout days! LOL!), but why do I get the feeling that when December is past we'll be sitting and saying "Is that all there is?" LOL! Therer's been predictions of bad solar flares in the past and most of the time they don't even cause a blip. But who knows? I think the threat of our survival comes more from people that hate us in the world. 

With all the options out there for foods that last MRE might be a last option for me LOL

Don't know if it's the best option, but we have quite a bit of canned goods stocked up.


White River Knives

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