I seem to read a lot of articles when things slow down here on the site.  This was one I had not thought about.  even after reading it I am still not sure I have thought about it LOL 

How to Survive the Next Ice Age

Throughout the history of the planet, the world periodically experienced ice ages when most of the world was covered in ice sheets and glaciers. If you saw the movie called The Day After Tomorrow, then you would already be familiar with how global warming, whether caused by man, nature, or both, will cause another ice age. Unlike the movie, the next ice age will not happen in a matter of days, but most likely in a few decades. And the next ice age will most likely not start during our lifetimes, yet it is an inevitable cycle of the planet. So, how will mankind survive the next ice age?

During these ice ages, almost all forms of life find surviving much more difficult than the abundant period of time that humanity is experiencing now. No matter how well prepared any person or group can be for the next ice age, they will eventually run out of supplies and need to start living off the land again. And since we are no longer cavemen or Neanderthals who survived by hunting and gathering, we need a well thought out plan for survival. The four minimum requirements needed for survival during the next ice age are food, shelter, water, and fire. Let’s tackle each of these requirements one at a time.


At the start of the next ice age, most farms on the planet will be devastated and will not be able to produce enough food. Additionally, most of the world’s population will move closer to or into the tropics, and these tropical areas will not be able to produce enough food for everyone either, especially when they are severely overpopulated. Therefore, the world would need different kinds of food sources that can better survive the cold.

During the last ice age, it is believed that the main source of food for Neanderthals was fish and rabbits. These types of animals are more naturally resilient to cold climates. On the other hand, I don’t see how most livestock, such as chickens, can survive perpetual winters for hundreds of years; so farms will need to switch to raising animals that can more easily withstand cold, especially if these animals can more easily forage and consume the limited plant growth during the ice age such as rabbits. Also, the production rate of these types of animals will be much higher than regular livestock such as cattle, thus more quickly feeding more people with fewer resources.

Remember that large proportions of the planet will be covered in ice sheets and glaciers where edible plants will not grow. Therefore, farms in warmer areas will have to switch to faster growing plants to be able to feed more people, especially with shorter warm seasons to grow plants and limited farmlands. Growing food quickly with limited areas of farmland will be the key to feeding the world’s population in the next ice age. As a result, I predict that farms will convert to using mostly greenhouses; where even in harsh climates, foods of any type can be grown. Unfortunately, growing food either way will be much more difficult and more expensive. I also predict that most individuals will be growing food in their homes and in small personal greenhouses to offset the costs of food.


I suspect that our homes during the next ice age will look much more different than today’s McMansions (i.e. excessively large houses), because larger homes will cost more to keep warm. First, most of the existing homes and building will not be able to withstand the harsh weather or crushing ice sheets, so new homes and buildings will need the be redesigned and built specifically for the ice age climate. Homes will have many more sources of heat, such as fireplaces and skylights, for keeping their occupants warm and dry than they do now. These homes will be better insulated and have fewer windows to keep out harsher winter weather. In the overly populated areas near the equator, smaller homes will be a necessity to squeeze more people together over small areas of land.

Furthermore, communities and even cities will almost become self contained biospheres that are virtually closed ecological systems. These biospheres will provide safe and necessary communal areas for commerce, recreation, education, farming, etc. away from the harsh weather outside.


Water will most like the easiest survival requirement to satisfy. Anyone can easily boil snow and ice to make safe drinking water. And in the over populated tropics, current technology allows us to safely desalinate salty sea water.


Since wood will become more scarce during the next ice age, burning almost anything, including trash, will be the norm to stay warm and dry. However, in modern society, we mostly use electricity and fossil fuels to heat our homes. I predict that the world’s energy requirements will skyrocket to unfathomable heights to keep people alive. I can only hope that our scientists and researchers can eventually invent cheaper, safer, and renewable sources of energy, such as solar, wind, hydro, and fusion power.

The original article ishere

Tags: Age, How, Ice, Next, Survive, the, to

Views: 389

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One thing I would add, is having children might have to be severely restricted. I also see underground cities that may be located near geothermal activity that may be used for heat and power. 

Maybe by this time they will have space stations that people can live on. Whatever happens, I'm sure if the government has anything to do with it, the elite and most useful will be the first saved, taking what food and supplies that are available, and we will be left to fend for ourselves.

I feel that in any widespread long term cataclysmic event, a large percentage of the people affected are going to die.  Most of the people alive now have had everything done for them for at least two to three generations.  Someone else has grown and harvested their food, made their clothes, built their shelter, provided their water.  Most have no hunting skills.  Also in such an event the game in an area would soon be depleted by those who can hunt.  That's why the American Indians were usually nomadic.  They were hunters so when they would deplete the game in one area, they would move to another.  Most people are not prepared to last out any long term situation.  Look at Katrina.  That was a temporary event over a relatively small area.  Look how many died then.

Getting back specifically to that article, I don't see how global warming is going to create an ice age.  Assuming we do even have global warming, a Hollywood movie is not going to be my source of information for how it all works.  I realize that the earth does go through warming and cooling periods.  I just don't know which we are in now.  It wasn't too many years ago that scientists were predicting an ice age instead of global warming.  As I tell people when I get involved in conversations about the subject, thank God for global warming or we would still be in the last ice age!  And man had nothing to do with the cooling down before or the warming up after.

Well, I have had a chance to think on this one.  It struck me as kind of funny at first.  Geothermal will become HUGE in my opinion, drilling for fossil fuels would not work any longer.  Those not able to find a geothermal area would almost have to become self sustaining.  Earth houses would likely be another thought and yes eventually it would lead to small underground cities

The world will do what it does, with or without the help of humans.  Nature will heat and cool as the axis turns, no matter how much hairspray I use.

Those of us left will live in Zion, hiding from the Matrix & its sentinels, waiting patiently for the One...

ROFLMAO....that was right along the lines of my first thoughts when I was reading this
dead_left_knife_guy said:

Those of us left will live in Zion, hiding from the Matrix & its sentinels, waiting patiently for the One...

Well it wasn't the ice age, but....

Southern California had some severe weather for the last few days. I know it's not as bad as many other areas of the country, but for us it was unusual. The rain and wind took out a lot of the power grid and left thousands of people without electricity.

I'm writing this on my net-book since it has a pretty long battery life. Yes my power is out, but not from the storm, from upgrades that Edison is doing to the grid in our area.

Since there is no power there is no heat, no lights and no cooking method. Ya, I know, it's So-Cal so how cold can it be? And the answer is 50 degrees. I know that some of you reading this are likely laughing and maybe thinking “well that's shorts and tee shirt weather”.

So I lit the fireplace, made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and sat down with my net-book. The coffee was already taken care of since I brew it and then put it in a Thermos. If the power is not back on by dinner time, I'll get out one or two of my butane stoves and use them to make dinner. I have battery and propane lanterns so we'll have light. The water heater is gas, so we'll have hot water and I can make coffee with a pour over coffee maker.

It's inconvenient, but not anything like a total loss of all utilities. If it were a national or global grid down, I have enough fuel and water to last through the bad parts like people killing each other over food and other usable items.

What a disappointment. The power just came back on. Now I won't get to practice my skills.

I was going to upload this with my Verizon MiFi, now I can just use my household network.


It is all relative.  50 for you is not usual and obviously no electric is not.  So having those 2 things happen at once IS a good way to detect where there may be gaps in your preparations.  The little inconvenience can remind you that you need more propane or gas for the generator.  So good for you and sorry you did not get the chance to practice LOL

If this would have happened at our Flagstaff, AZ house I would have been going up and down snow covered stairs to fetch firewood.  My biggest worry in this case would be the water lines freezing, it's been getting down into the twenties at night.

The funny part of no electricity, (funny as in odd) is when you walk into a room and automatically touch the light switch.

Here in Southern California very few people carry warm clothing when they leave their homes. After all it's from the house to the car, and from the car to the work place, store, restaurant or where ever they are going and no-one thinks they will be stranded in the cold.  And of course no-one ever has an accident or an automobile breakdown.

I never carried any sort of provisions in the car when I lived in San Jose but did in Sacramento

My Wife and I have always carried a small tupperware container in our vehicles containing a couple bottles of water,A couple granola bars,two space blankets, note pad and pencil,a POCKET KNIFE LOL,and always a means of making a fire.....dont forget the toilet paper,LOL. But we have always had these items in our vehicles since the early 80's. Luckily we have never HAD to use them. Sometimes I think......if you have it with you .....you might be lucky enough to not need them. Always be at least a little prepared.

John, You are very likely in the top 10 percentile where car preps are concerned.

Jan, I'm sure you keep a lot more in your car now.

LOL James, you would think so but realistically my truck usually never goes more than 6 miles from the house.  I am one of those that rarely even has my cell phone in the truck.  SOOO, I think I need to put together a car kit LOL


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