I've seen several examples of really good looking trappers recently but they are small about 2 1/2 inches. But I will say I not only like the look of the Trapper but it slips into a pocket  so much easier than its larger full size.

Would you say they have a place in the Trapper family?

Tags: full, mini, size, trapper

Views: 417

Replies to This Discussion

I love all the Trapper sizes. The regular 4 1/8" is the standard and original. It's also my personal favorite. Since then some others have burst onto the scene. The Jumbo Trapper is an impressive handful of knife. It's a little too big for the original intended purpose, but sure is a conversation starter when it is pulled out.

The Medium Trapper would be suitable for smaller hands, maybe a young person starting to trap, or a lady. It also makes a nice display companion to the afore mentioned two.

The Tiny or Baby Trapper are, I believe, just as much a part of the Trapper family as the rest. They would be ideal to keep in your pocket for times when pulling out a full size would draw too much unwanted attention. An example would be at Sunday morning services. The preacher is a little longwinded today and you look and see you could use a slight manicure touch up. Nobody bats an eye when a very small teenie weenie pocket knife is pulled from your pocket. But pull out a full size or even worse, a Jumbo and all of a sudden in today's troubling times people may think you're about to become a slasher. They will clear the church faster than the final Amen!

I think all of these are a valuable part of the Trapper family. However, the odd 5 bladed Trapper, the Trapper with Warnecliff blade, the Moose, and other interlopers are generally considered the black sheep of the family. They are tolerated, but not drawn in close to the inner circle. They are treated like the "redheaded step-child" at the family reunion. Any knife that does not have a clip blade and a spey blade both pinned at the same end is just a jealous wanna be.

This is not to say I'd never buy one (I do own a 5 bladed Trapper by Rough Rider) because I buy what I like. I just would not consider them a real, authentic, dyed-in-the-wool Trapper. That's my two cent's worth on the topic

The Mini and Tiny Trappers are very popular! And they sure do fit in the "Trapper Family"!

I have to check and see if I have that Mini-trapper. I have been buying more lately and I have to say for some small cutting tasks they are coming in handy and I kind of like having them around!  Here is the thing: Are there any standards?

Case's standard/full size Trapper, the 54 pattern, is 4 1/8" closed. Case's Mini Trapper is 3 1/2" closed, and Case's Tiny Trapper is 2 3/8" closed.

I'm with Leo, Mini Trappers are my fav for the pocket too!
l.lantz said:

Absolutely.I really like the size of the Mini Trappers ( mine are by Case), due to their pocket friendly size while still being very functional.


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