Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk

Collectors of Great Eastern, Northfield and Tidioute Knives

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  • Roger Cunningham

    Got my Iknife sunfish this morning.Great looking knife .Luca you done well.
  • Roger Cunningham

    Oh yeah,Stephen,You don`t have to wait by the mailbox,It came Fedex.
  • Richard L Campbell (Dick)

    What a fast delivery of a great knife. Mailed on the 24th and delivered on the 25th. Thanks for the great idea Luca, and thanks to Chris and all at GEC for a great job.
  • Jan Carter

    SOMEONE SHOW US A PICTURE???  Ours is in Chris's desk until we go get it.......

    Luca thanks knife is Awesome shaving sharp=good snap for 36 hard pull jet black!!!!
  • Tom Peterson

    Luca, well done! Thanks go out to you and Chris at GEC for making this happen and hats off to all of the IKC members who ordered and paid for this knife too! Can't wait to get mine!!! Hope that it is as good looking a knife as JJ's.
  • Alan

    Oh boy, I can't wait.... That is one awesome looking knife. The jet black is the way to go, Totally awesome. Hats off to Luca for making this thing happen, and the other members here for following through with the comitment of these knives. Power is in the numbers>>>> So Cool
  • Luca Vignelli

    JJ thanks for posting the pictures! I haven't received mine yet and I'm already drooling over yours!

    To all of you who have so kindly thanked me for really getting this done, you are all very welcome, it couldn't have happened without all of you (us) here, so thanks to you all too!

  • Jan Carter

    Stephen, I hope you dont mind I moved this here so we could get more help in answering your questions...Thanks to everyone for showing or telling us about yours...can't wait      


     Reply by stephen tungate yesterday

    i was wondering if someone could fill me in on the new ikc club knife.this is my first sunfish i don't know a lot about them .are the blades supposed to be so tight and i thought that it would have IKC on knife shield or do we have to do that and also i thought that it would have 1 of 50 on blade but i guess i was wrong it is a nice knife but it is hard to open and nothing on shield or it does not say 1 of 50 i thought we wouid get that for 125.00
  • Luca Vignelli

    Max, thanks for doing the research in the back pages of this thread to answer Stephen's questions.

    Stephen, this knife was not an "official" iKC sanctioned knife, but rather a knife commissioned privately by me with the participation of like minded individual members of iKC who desired a knife of these specifications. Through iKC we as knife  collectors have "strength in numbers" and through our group effort we were able to muster up enough interested people to actually have GEC produce this special factory ordered knife, which would never have existed otherwise.

    As for this knife being a limited edition, it is that, but from the very beginning I decided not to have the knives serialized because that would have been an added cost to each knife produced, as it costs money to have the knives engraved on the bolster or acid stamped on the blades. Additionally, some people, perhaps those that may be numerologically inclined, like certain numbers and not others, for example the negative associations for the number 13 or the positive associations for numbers with 8's in them, and so I decided to eliminate that possible complication and expense.

    Finally, as Max said, all of the GEC 36's are tight due to the size and heft of their backspring, it takes some getting used to and definitely a bit of oil and working that blade open and closed over time to loosen up a bit.

    I do hope that you do and will enjoy your knife, it's a beautiful pattern expertly crafted with the finest materials in a limited quantity. I'm sitting here waiting for mine to arrive and can't wait to get it!

  • Danny Allen

    Just received my beautiful new knife. Thanks Luca for you efforts. The knife was well worth the wait.
  • Billy Oneale

    My wife informed me that French Kate was in her blue fishnet stockings and may have caught the sunfish.

  • KnifeMaker

    Dave Taylor

    Max, I've been worried about your Sunfish all day here.
    I was afraid it had ended up somewhere down on the South Side of town.........
    Glad to hear it made it home.
  • johnny twoshoes

    Great to hear guys, I wasn't really around much when this whole thing went down, and I know I couldn't afford one. But these are some beautiful knives my friends, looks like they'd be a great addition to any collection.


    Job well done.

  • Rusty R Halsey

    My sunfish came today, and it's a beauty!  There is the tiniest bit of white on the back, but I like it - it makes the rest look so much blacker.  The best known name in the knife business must be Christine Tucker by now, after all the certificates she has signed.
  • Luca Vignelli

    Rusty, nice picture! Real photo studio set up and all! 

    I'm happy we're all sharing the beauty, joy, and satisfaction of this new knife simultaneously!

  • Chris Stookey

    The Twins have arrived! What a great pair of GEC Sunfish! Thanks Luca...and a big "thank you!" to Chris Tucker at GEC!

  • Jan Carter

    And a lovely pair they are Chris.  I can't wait to see ours.  Rusty that photo shows off the blade stamp VERY well
  • Billy Oneale

    Here is the beautiful fish. Thanks to everyone who made this possible. Good picture Rusty . Chris, the twins look very happy.
  • Jan Carter

    Hey guys heres a little bit of info.....

    It ain't much, but it's something......  The latest on the Whaler is that it'll be 4 3/8" OAL closed and be a Swell Center

  • Jan Carter

    Hey everyone,

    Just wanted to let you know about this amazing sheath for your GEC's.  Donnie has one and I beleive I am going to get one for myself also.  I have never carried a sheath because as a female they always seemed bulky to me.  This one holds the knife in place in the back pocket and does socomfortably.

    Here’s a great way to carry the Ben Hogan knife.  Out of sight, yet readily available in your hip pocket.

    The Hip Pocket sheath positions your knife in the corner of your hip pocket, just behind the hip bone.  Out of sight and out of mind until you reach back for it, always in the same location and always available.  The Hip Pocket sheath takes up little room so the pocket is still useable for other items besides the knife.  Comfortable and discreet, the Hip Pocket Sheath and your Hogan goes anywhere.

    The Hip Pocket sheath can also be carried easily in a jacket or coat pocket.  Now there’s no reason not to have your Hogan with you!!

    Hip Pocket Sheaths can be made for other GEC knife patterns as well

  • stephen tungate

    love that sheath it looks nice and comfortable most men are used to carrying a wallet that looks more comfortable than a wallet i think i will get one thanks jan....
  • Jan Carter

    One of the things that Dave does is make the sheaths specific to the knife you carry Stephen so talk with Dave on here when your ready

  • KnifeMaker

    Dave Taylor

    All Knife Leather Traditions custom sheaths are available through Greg, at TSA Knives, who is the exclusive distributor for Knife Leather Traditions products.
    He can work with you on a sheath for any Great Eastern Cutlery knives.
  • Jan Carter

    Great Dave thanks for the info.  Stephen, If you haven't worked with Greg before..He is awesome and I know on his ordering page for these there are many choices to make that special sheath your own
  • stephen tungate

    thanks for the help guys you can always depend on our members for help...
  • Jan Carter

    Hey guys heres a little bit of info.....

    It ain't much, but it's something......  The latest on the Whaler is that it'll be 4 3/8" OAL closed and be a Swell Center...and the one being raffled at the open house is Red Spiral Cut Buffalo Horn.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    No word on the type blade for the Whaler?
  • Tom Peterson


    You rock girl! Thanks for passing on that info! I figured that they would be abalone like the last few Rendezvous knives. I have been on the fence about entering the drawing but will have to give Chris a call ASAP. I have two spiral cut red/black liner lock #23's that I got on Ebay and I love them. A few years ago I didn't get too excited about this handle material and jigging/tooling but once I got one and held it in my hand I was hooked! I can't wait to see this knife and hope whoever wins it will post some pictures of it. Best of luck to everyone who enters the drawing! Jan I'm jealous of you and all of the folks who get to attend the Rendezvous! The rest of us will have to live vicariously through you! Please take some pictures if you don't mind. I still fancy that rainbow acrylic knife that you picked up at GEC previously and posted pics of. I wish GEC would put a few of these gems on their website for poor schmucks like me who can't make it. I'm sure that everyone will have a great time though. Maybe next year I can talk my family into a road trip to PA! 

  • Jan Carter

    No word on the blade as of yet, I will let you know if I hear anything.  Tom I will certainly be taking pics and entering info here as the days go on at the open house.  If I see and end of day I will be sure to let you know
  • Jan Carter

  • Tom Peterson

    Chris posted this on CK's forum: Latest clue on Whaler is it will have "spear and pen blades on opposite ends".
  • Jan Carter

    good catch Tom, that was my next entry, Just saw it.  Thanks for keepin us up on the happenings!
  • Jan Carter

    Just got the latest clue regarding the Whaler!!!!  This one's a virtual dead giveaway.....

    "'ll find the original on page #33...."  

    Put that together with....

    "...4 3/8" swell center...."

    "... spear and pen on opposite ends..."

    And whaddya get????  The Whaler!!!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

  • Jan Carter


    I am putting raffle ticks in your name when I get there.  One of us has got to get a whale!!         

  • johnny twoshoes

    Well I'm selfishly pulling for Jan.

    I probably won't enter, I'll just watch the fun. I really plan on falling in love with a knife, maybe even a model I don't have, what ever I get it's gonna be happy at home in my collection. Good luck & God Bless to all who enter.

  • johnny twoshoes

    Hey for all you Ben Hogan lovers, the spear blade version was released, and I like it.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    When is whaling season?
  • Jan Carter


    That spear blade is a natural for that Ben Hogan isn't it?


  • Jan Carter


    It starts on the 28th for you and I....  

  • johnny twoshoes

    I'm really liking Ben with the Spear, we'll see how he looks in person I guess.


    Hey Jan, I just got word back from GEC saying that I won't have my #72 until sometime in August. It'll be a long wait, but it would be longer without my #72 Red Wine. 

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Miss Jan, tell them up there at GEC that Rob said hello. We love their knives. Y'all be carefull on the trip.
  • Jan Carter

    I sure will Robert.  Keep your fingers crossed,  we need us a whale!!
  • Luca Vignelli

    Damn! Something came up and now my daughter and I will not be able to attend the GEC Rendezvous! I had everything planned and ready to go, but my Dad had to go on a business trip and my Mom has Alzheimers and so I will be staying here to take care of her. I wish I could bring her out too, but she would just get too confused in an unfamilliar surrounding. 

    Jan and Ken, have fun and I'm sorry I won't get to meet you in person this time around. I also won't get to meet Chris and the whole GEC gang and I was really really looking forward to that for months! 

  • johnny twoshoes

  • Robert Thornton

    Yep, that Whaler is a looker. A strong resemblence to AG Russell's Teaxas Ranger 2010 Elaphant's Toenail only with two blades.


  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Miss Jan, y'all take a bunch of pictures. Tell Donnie and the Whale to
  • Luca Vignelli

    Happy 5th Anniversary to GEC! Check out the Whaler, just posted on the new releases page on the GEC website this morning! Call your distributor and line up to get one! This has to be my favorite knife of all time!


  • Jan Carter

    Happy 5th to GEC indeed.  When I look back I think about all the times a customer on here has said "I wish..." and the next thing we know that wish is incorporated in a knife.  Little things like adding a bail because the customers wanted one.  It is one of the qualities of a great company to hear what the customers are saying and care enough to make a product that fits the customers needs.  Thanks GEC