Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk

Collectors of Great Eastern, Northfield and Tidioute Knives

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  • Jan Carter

    We may be there, I sent Luca another order a couple of hours ago.  I know he is doing some work away from his computor lately.  I hope we find out tonight.  I am so excited!!
  • Luca Vignelli

    WE MADE IT TO 50! 50! 50!
    I'll call Chris Tucker at GEC and tell her the news later today and get the ball rolling!
    I have received 23 out of the 40 (some ordered multiples) address and telephone numbers I need to add to the list. Please send me your info a.s.a.p. so that we can finish up nice and neat.
    I bet you can see that I am smiling from ear to ear!
    I want to thank each and every one of you for hanging in there and believing in the possibility that we could make this happen together! We did it!!!!!
  • Luca Vignelli

    I will post final payment instructions today for everyone, after I speak with GEC. I'll also reach our to everyone personally, just to make sure we're all on the same page.
    To those who have friends who have signed on to the project that are not part of iKC, please send me your friend's name, address, and telephone number for the final ordering list, so that I can pass the info along to Christine Tucker at GEC. Thanks.
  • Jan Carter

    Hi folks,

    Just heard this bit of news and thought I would pass it on.  

     I just found out that the first of the Courthouse Whittlers coming through will be the Frontier Bone and they should be coming off the line tomorrow.  By Friday, there's a good probability we could see 2 more handle materials coming through.  It will be nice to see this new pattern

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    That's great news Miss Jan. I can't wait to see them.
  • Gary Norton

    I just added a comment in the discussion forum, Why don't we see more 440C bladed knives from GEC?, but should have put it here.

    The GEC prodution totals 2006-2010






  • Richard L Campbell (Dick)

    I would like that myself. I don't like having to be so careful to wipe blade every time I open it.
  • Luca Vignelli

    OK my friends, we have the go ahead to complete our orders for the GEC Northfield UN-X-LD #36 all Steel Buffalo Horn Sunfish! 

    Please contact GEC, by email, telephone, or even regular mail, and send them your hard earned dollars, euros, pounds, and rupiah, payment for the knives you ordered. GEC accepts almost every form of payment known to mankind! Credit Card, Personal Check, Money Orders are all good. You must mention in a note that you are part of this group effort, by mentioning iKC and the name of the knife, #36 Buffalo Horn Sunfish, or my name even. GEC will already have your names and info and will then be able to check you off the list when payment is completed.

    OK, payment options info:

    Send email payments, by credit card, and a note to:


    Call in your order by telephone to Chris Tucker: 814-827-3411


    Mail in orders to: 

    Chris Tucker 

    Great Eastern Cutlery

    701 East Spring Street

    Building 2, Unit 10

    Titusville, PA 16354


    Now, most importantly, GEC will not even order the necessary buffalo horn handle material until every last one of us is paid up in full. So, I am asking you all to please make your payments promptly. As soon as we have all paid for our knives GEC will schedule the production for them to be made. I am going to send them my payment now, immediately after I'm done typing this, as a start and hope that you will all follow me in doing so.

    Next as a recap, the final price for one knife will be $114.73 plus $10.00 FedEx shipping added at time of shipment. The $10.00 FedEx shipping is good for up to 6 knives that will fit in a box without getting too heavy. So the final cost for those of us ordering more than one knife will be $124.73 for the first knife and $114.73 for each additional knife up to the limit of six knives delivered. For members of our group who live outside of the US, GEC has graciously agreed to maintain the same shipping costs as above, but the method of shipment will be by USPS, so that should make it nice and easy for all.

    OK guys and gals, let's all step up to the plate and pay GEC so that we can get these knives in our pockets, or knife rolls, or display cases as soon as possible. Remember that GEC says that the turnaround time for delivery will be three to four months, and that's from the time we are all 100% paid up, so lets finish this up and get it done.

    It's nice to be able to turn a dream into a reality and we did that, together as a group!


  • Luca Vignelli

    Also, I forgot to add below that GEC will not cash your check, or charge your credit card, or money order, until all of our payments have been received for all of the 50 knives ordered.
  • Jan Carter


    Thank you for your dedicatation to this project.  To all that are participating, YAHOO we are really on our way now

  • Alan

    Luca, Payment sent for the two I ordered, thanks for your efforts.



  • biglmbass

    After  mulling it over a great deal, I think I'm going to skip this one, Luca, but I admire & fully appreciate your dedicatication & efforts to get this special order knife off the ground.  I do hope there'll be another spec run knife in the future that would be more to my liking.
  • falah gumilar

    I've just send email to Chris, thank you for your time and effort for this project. very much appreciated.
  • Richard L Campbell (Dick)

    Called in order for two knives to Chris. Was informed there were nine responses so far. I hope things pick up fast.
  • Danny Allen

    Called in my order of one to Chris
  • Jan Carter

    Called Chris today
  • Rusty R Halsey

    Emailed Chris and got an immediate response.  She was very helpful and we got payment arranged.
  • Billy Oneale

    E-mailed mine in last night. I recieved a response this morning.
  • Jan Carter

    The Newest and Greatest GEC Poster showed up on the site today.

  • Jan Carter

    Can we name all the knive handles?  I claim the Bubinga beaver tail up front.  I know that surprises everyone.  Anyone else have a favorite in there?
  • Jan Carter

    Did you all see our own Bob Andrews will be attending the 'National Pike Knife Club 4th Annual Knife & Gun Show

    Time: April 16, 2011 from 9am to 4pm
    Location: Belmont County Fairgrounds
    Organized By: National Pike Knife Club

    Event Description:
    Local Knife Club Show to Buy-Sell-Trade-Display.
    Knives*Modern&Antique Firearms*Crafts and Collectibles.
    Anyone in that area?


  • Jan Carter

    I have just heard that the next knife out will have a Hawkbill blade.  It will be the Weaver Jack.  Sometime around the 25th.
  • Jan Carter

    Luca, Have you had an opportunity to find out how many payments we have on board?
  • Luca Vignelli

    Jan, Yes we have 21 payments in so far after one week (thanks to those of us who paid already), out of the total of 38 payments we need to make to GEC for our 50 knives. Next week I'll ask Chris to forward me the names of those whose payments are still outstanding then, and I'll gently remind them to complete their orders promptly for the greater good of our group.

    Hint, hint, to all...

  • Jan Carter


    Thanks for the update and the reminder to our other 17 orders to make the call.

  • Jan Carter

    Newest whittler, what do you all think?

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I think that's the best Frontier Bone I have seen yet. We need to ask JJ what he thinks.
  • Jan Carter

    LOL, I did.  I asked the question in his carving class
  • stephen tungate

    hi jan that is a really nice looking knife got to love the looks of that done good.
  • Jan Carter

    Thanks Stephen
  • Billy Oneale

    Nice whittler, Jan. You can't go wrong with one of Great Eastern's knives.
  • Chris Stookey

    Sending payment to Chris on Monday. If we run a little short on people filling their orders, I may pick up more than one...or two...or three.
  • Jan Carter

    Chris, thanks for the update and the willingness
  • Luca Vignelli

    OK Chris, let Chris(tine) at GEC know of your good intentions on Monday. Thanks!

    I'll also post an update on our orders after I speak with Chris on Monday, and hopefully most or all of our orders will be in by then.

  • Jan Carter

    I hope you all have a blessed weekend!!
  • Jan Carter

    Seems I have been promising pics of the collection for quite some time.  Thought I would start with the primitive bones
  • Billy Oneale

    Nice pics, Jan.
  • Jan Carter

    OK Folks if you will bear with me, I am not a photographer but between Donnie and I we are figuring our what peices to put on next.  This is the 53's


    Nice collection Jan!
  • Jan Carter

    Thanks JJ, we will get some more pics on this week maybe 72's and 73's tomorrow
  • Jan Carter

    Trivia for you...who can tell which of these knifes goes to work with a carpenter everyday?

    The red stag?
  • Jan Carter

    Aww JJ, breaks his heart but sometimes I just gotta tell him that from a womens point of view,,,That knife is just too pretty to go play on a site
  • Jan Carter

    These are the 25's and 26's.  Bottom right is a test run 1 of 1



    What handle material do they call that Jan(bottom right) man that one really stands out!!!! I love it  Thanks for sharing.
  • Jan Carter


    Thanks.  That is actually a test run peice.  It is called End of Day in a 250109.  That is the only one made in that pattern but End of Day was actually on a total of about 6 test run peices in 2009.  I can tell you that if you ever get a chance to go to the Rendevouz, that is the best place to find those odd peices.

  • Luca Vignelli

    We're down to the last few payments needed to complete our special factory order of the GEC #36 Buffgalo Horn Sunfish. If you haven't contacted GEC to make payment yet, please do so by the end of this week, or all of our orders will be delayed until all of our payments are in, which will hold up the production of these knives for all.

    Thanks all for participating!

  • Jan Carter

  • Jan Carter

    sorry folks just working on the pic setting so they dont keep coming out distorted
  • Jan Carter

    For any of you that dont know, Pat Vroman is the materials ordering person at GEC (among other things)  His Birthday is tomorrow.  If you go to the GEC forum, I have started a Happy birthday VMAN.  Please feel free to add your thoughts.