Great Eastern Cutlery hosted by Ken Mundhenk

Collectors of Great Eastern, Northfield and Tidioute Knives

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  • Jan Carter

    I have had an opportunity to speak with Ryan this morning.  He did ask me to convey some things for the Daniels family.  First the answer to the burning question will he be staying the GEC.  As a direct employee of the company no.  He will still be involved as a sort of freelance sales.  Has has asked me to let you all know his number has not changed.  The Daniels family has asked that we extend a warm & genuine Thank you to all the folks here, without your support..nothing would have been possible over the past 5 years.  Without sharing too many future plans...although they are sorry to see the end of this era with GEC they are looking forward to some exciting changes.  Those include not only a new knife family for us all to enjoy (Tuna Valley) but also a new baby for Ryan and Courtney.  I have gotten confirmation that the Daniels Family will still be attending the shows for this year and they will still be offering Great Eastern Cutlery products at those shows.  In our eyes this is a wonderful step for both groups and a true win for those of us that love thier knives.  More on a conversation with Bill later today.

  • Jan Carter

    Well Tom it looks like you have all the bases covered with what I would do next.  I would go with the swingguard as the next pattern, the cookbook would be a great offering.  Lets combine the calendar and cookbook thought.  Lets do a calendar with a monthly picture and and receipe.  Less printing cost 

  • Rusty R Halsey

    Wouldn't it be great if Mr. Daniels had GEC continue to make the Tuna Valley knives?  Is he going to get his own knive shop?  The part of his email about using specialty steels has me excited.  (Now I'm being cryptic - the email is published at

  • Jan Carter

    Had a comforting and exciting conversation with Bill Howard this morning.   Bill is excited about the next era for GEC and all that it will bring.  For those of you that know Bill, you know he values his commitment to the quality of a great USA made knife and the patterns we would not have seen revived without them the past few years. 

    So Look forward to some new and exciting patterns, same great quality and wonderful folks at GEC!!! I hear that the new one is going to knock our socks off

  • Tom Peterson


    I like the calendar/recipe combo! I would also like to see a daily GEC calendar - the kind that you rip off the page each day. It could utilize the knife debut pictures that GEC uses and it could say the day/year that each knife & handle type came out. On days with no knife debut collector pics could fill in.

    On a more serious note I appreciate your being our liason between all of us GEC fans and the folks at GEC. It is reassuring to get some information about this split in a timely manner and know that the info is pretty much first hand and not watered down. I'm happy to hear that Ken & Ryan will be moving forward with Tuna Valley and that GEC will continue to make the great knives that we all love & also that the split was on friendly terms. I'm sure that we will all look forward to offerings by both companies. It might be interesting if GEC /Cyclops continued to make the TV knives to keep the bar set high but if not I am sure that quality will continue to be a top priority with Ken & Ryan. It might be nice if GEC or TV would issue a statement about the split and the direction of both operations so that speculation is kept to a minimum.

  • Jan Carter

    Watch for those first hand announcements soon.  Just finishing up the holidays for everyone

  • Jan Carter

    Even sooner than we anticipated.....This just posted on GEC's site

    A message to Great Eastern Cutlery customers, friends, fans, and family!

    In 2006, when no one locally or in the cutlery industry would take a chance on a new start up cutlery manufacturing company, Ken Daniels was the only person who wasn’t scared by the challenges. He shared my dream and together we created Great Eastern Cutlery.

    He has been integral to the company, but as with all things there is change,
    and as of December 30th, 2011 the company has purchased Ken’s shares
    and he is no longer a partner in Great Eastern Cutlery.

    In the years since our establishment, Ken has been an asset to the company, managerially, and as the company representative in the industry. I and Ken share the same values, authenticity, quality, honesty, and loyalty. With much help from Ken, we have built the Great Eastern Cutlery reputation on these values. As we go forward, we will miss Ken but our values as a company will not change.

    I and all the other GEC employees owe Ken a big THANK YOU for all that he has done for this company and we wish him the best. We still expect to see him here often and also expect to have a good business relationship with him in the future.

    Bill Howard


    Great Eastern Cutlery

  • johnny twoshoes

    I really look forward to more news on all that is happening.

    Jan, does it appear to you that Ken and Ryan will open a new factory? Or will GEC still produce the knives sold under the TV brand?

  • Chris Stookey

    All I have to do is blink and the world gets tipped upside down. So...Ken and Ryan will be leaving GEC. Good grief. Technically, I know that this is none of my business...but I'd like to know "Why?" Is it a difference in opinion on direction for GEC? Is it that the Daniels want to run their own show without any other investors? Is it a health issue (God forbid!)?

    I currently own some 92 GEC knives and just placed an order for 3 more (from the awesome Gary Norton of Northwest Knife Company). I'm a devout GEC collector (my latest is a #23 liner lock Northfield in Black Plum; Merry Christmas!). I have to be candid here; the idea of Ken and Ryan leaving GEC really bothers me. Of course I know that the work of Bill Howard, Chris Tucker and others are critical to the incredible knives that we all enjoy. Having been a businessman for decades, I know that, oftentimes, it is the chemistry of the people that make a company really "work". If that chemistry is changed, sometimes things don't "work". Truly, a company is the result of that chemistry and the people are the most important component.

    So what does Ken and Ryan leaving mean for us as collectors? Certainly, I'm NOT going to stop buying GEC. Of course, I've heard about Tuna Valley Cutlery...though I know very little about it. I gather that GEC makes knives for this company. What's the Daniels involvement in it? Owners? Working for it? As dealers? I ask because I'd like to know what is going on. While I've read the posting thread below...I'm a detail kind of in order for my "need to know" to be satisfied, I have to have some fairly specific information. That's the way that I'm wired.

    Ultimately, it would be great for GEC to continue on to achieve even more success (without any compromise in product quality or standards) AND to have some great knives available to us through TVC (though I need another knife company to chase like I need another hole in my wallet).

  • Jan Carter

    While I would love to satisfy all the answers with corresponding details I can only pass on what I know to be true.  Bill Howard will continue to make the quality, fresh look old patterns that the Great Eastern group is known for.

    I have not heard any talk of a new factory for the Daniels family, though to be honest I have not been given the details as to what direction they will ultimately go.  Only that it will involved their ownership of the Tuna Valley Line 

    I do not beleive there is ill will.  No one I spoke to today had anything but great thoughts for the past and the future for everyone involved.  I know that Ryan, Ken and Courtney will still be selling Great Easterns at the shows and Ryan will be a freelance seller. 

    So what does this mean to us as GEC collectors?  For Donnie and I- it means more wonderful great easterns and very possibly more Tuna Valleys

  • Mike Latham

    Ken owns a very large company in an unrelated industry, and I always wondered how he had the time anyway.  Whether there was a difference in opinion or just a decision to free up some weekends, I don't think it really matters.  Bill and Ken have been friends for a long time and I haven't heard anything that makes me think that has changed.

    I haven't talked to anyone that thinks Ken will open his own knife factory / business.  Although he has always been involved in SFO's and the industry in general.  He is a great promoter of our hobby.  The Tuna Valley is a nice old trademark and Perry simply didn't have enough time to promote it to its full potential (in my opinion).

    Thus, I don't think trying to figure out any underlying stories that may or may not exist is a good use of time.  But my time isn't worth anything anyway ;>

  • johnny twoshoes

    Very well put, I think as a collector we try to figure out and possibly read into what is is going on. It's the need to know in us, but too often we get to speculation, which often times leads to rumor. Lets just take their word for it and be thankful for everything that has happened since GEC incorporated.

  • Jan Carter

    Looking back in the history of knife manufactures, splits are not unusual.  Lets just go with...Our GEC company will remain and we can look forward to new great patterns with them.

    The Daniels family has not left our industry or our hobby. 

    Lets just be supportive and wish everyone the best of luck in all future endeavors

  • Luca Vignelli

    No worries.

  • Jan Carter

    None what so ever Luca!!  Any new knives to show?

  • Luca Vignelli

    Jan my friend, still haven't pulled out the camera to take pictures, and even though I'm a professional, I'm lacking the props and the personal sensitivity to the art form that our friend "Johnny" so clearly displays in most all of the photos of his knives. I'll get to it eventually...

    On the other hand I did check out the "What's Happening" section on the GEC site, which was refreshed today, and interestingly enough I saw a new bunch of Tuna Valley #72 knives being made there. How's that for new knives? A happy sighting.

    Now, as far as new knives, I'm just hoping that GEC takes my day dreams seriously, shared by Brent, and might make a Paul Bunyan version of the new and as of yet unseen Lumberjack with a #46 and a #36 blade combo, which would be huge, in hand, in the pocket, and on the market IMHO. Even if they make it just for fun, knowing full well it would be a break from the traditional. Still, I can't wait to see what the new Lumberjack will be as they've designed it.

    Other than that I'd love to see a new herd of Moose charging out of the GEC factory... not that Moose form herds, so OK even just a special Moose or two? 

  • johnny twoshoes

    I'm still waiting for my Bull Nose, but everybody needs a break, even the post office. : ) 

    I'm patient.... enough. We'll see if I don't have a new knife and new pics tomorrow. 

  • Luca Vignelli

    Can't wait to see 'em. As you know, I'm a fan!

  • Jan Carter

    Well that certainly looks like the best of 2 worlds to us ...YAHOOOOO

  • Jan Carter


    (Not necessarily in the order listed)
    • Lumber Jack Pattern

     ~ 2012 UPDATED SCHEDULE ~

    #68  Northfield Burnt Stag with spear blade

    #68 Northfield Burnt Stag with clip blade

    #68 Northfield Natural Stag with spear blade

    #68 Northfield Natural Stag with clip blade

    #68 Northfield Genuine Stag with spear blade

    #68 Northfield Genuine Stag with clip blade

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *

      #73 Northfield Palm Wood with single spey blade

    (NOTE: Special Factory Order for COLLECTORKNIVES)

    #73 Northfield Red Jigged Bone with single spey blade

    (NOTE: Special Factory Order for COLLECTORKNIVES)

    * * * * * * *

    #28 Single Blade Tidioute

    Pink Awabi LG+, Yellow Awabi LG+

    #28 Single Northfield UN-X-LD

    Jigged Bone, Burnt Stag, Red Stag, Elephant Ivory

    #28 2 Blade Tidioute Cutlery

    Pink Awabi LG+, Yellow Awabi LG+

    #28 Blade Northfield UN-X-LD

    Jigged Bone, Burnt Stag, Red Stag, Elephant Ivory



  • Luca Vignelli

    Mike Latham's GEC sfo "Farmer Jack" was just posted as the first 2012 date released knife of the year. Nice knife Mike!

  • Luca Vignelli

    I like the long pull on it!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Does anyone know when the shipping date is for the new club knife?

  • Jan Carter

    We dont have it yet Robert but will let you know when we are very close

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    I always get excited when waiting on a new knife. I guess, I'm not the only one that gets the new knife excitement, you know, counting the days....when will that special knife get here. Come on...I can't wait no

  • johnny twoshoes

    I'm kinda enjoying this wait, I'm testing my other knives in the meantime. I plan to put this #72 to work, I really think it will prove to be a great knife and one that will remind me of this place and you guys. 

    I must say this is a very attractive looking knife. At first, I really didn't like the big spear point, but I couldn't pick a better knife. This one should be perfect for skinning out a deer or two.

  • Luca Vignelli

    I'm SO eager to see the new Lumberjack! I wish GEC would post another teaser image. I sure hope they might consider making it a Jumbo Jack with huge blades! Or a Super Moose with the #36 and #46 blades! I'm dreaming about it now! Sweet dreams...

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    What...did you say Moose...what, now I'm not gonna sleep, and I have to leave for the camp tomorrow. How can they do this to me

  • Luca Vignelli

    Robert, actually you are responsible for this latest obsession of mine, and I can't sleep for thinking of a beautiful new Moose, swedged polished blades and all! Thanks! I don't have one and all I can think of is getting my hands on one, and though there are some very nice Tidioute Moose kives out there, my heart is with and in the Northfield Moose with the swedged and polished blades and above all those long pulls. Personally I don't like the diagonal bolsters and I don't like the pinched bolsters, which in the earliest GEC versions they didn't do. Keep it plain and simple on the handle and turn it up to 11 on the blades. How about a UN-X-LD blade stamp on the main blade rather than any blade etch? OK, now I really can't sleep 'cause the level of desire is driving me crazy! Moooooooooooose!!!!

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Yea Luca, I'm with you, I agree with your changes, with plenty of handle materials to choose's got to be a winner!

  • Jan Carter

    That is indeed a wonderful image in my head.  I am getting very excited an wish we had more teaser images too

  • johnny twoshoes

    Okay Guys, LumberJack, or #72 club knife?

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Well, I'm back from the camp, what's the news on the Lumberjack? Moose or no moose? We have to know.

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    Luca, it's great to have another Moose pattern collector, we are rare. Please come join us at the Moose pattern Mini Group and we'll collect them togrther.

  • Luca Vignelli

    I'm there Robert, thanks to you. Johnny, waddya mean, I thought the #72 club was in the bag and the Lumberjack was in the works????

  • Luca Vignelli


  • Luca Vignelli

    A Giant Moose! A #46 and a #36 spear blade set, OK I can dream can't I?? So it's never been seen before, except every night in my dreams! And I also really really want a regular #54 Moose Northfield!!! You know, for my day to day needs...

  • In Memoriam

    Robert Burris

    A Lumber Jack is a Moose made by Remington, maybe it'll be a Moose made by GEC. The wait is killing

  • Alan

  • Luca Vignelli

    Wow! That's a teaser and a half! Insomnia here I come! Just open up the flood gates of desire, go ahead! Oh, they just did...
  • Luca Vignelli

    Alan, thanks for the reality check. And thanks GEC for the teaser. If that's a Sunfish #36, then the Lumberjack is HUGE. It could be a #26? But those bolster stamps look kind of big for a #46 Whaler blade, which was the first tease. I don't have a #26 to compare. Go big!

  • Luca Vignelli

    Robert, I like the Northfield Moose better than any other moose out there, and the earlier straight unpinched bolstered  better. Swedged polished blades, long pulls. You pick your handle material. I like it much better than the Remington with the squared off bolsters, and I prefer the equal end #54 cigar profile. That's just me.

    Now I'm starting to think that Jan's thinking that it might be a Clasp type knife could be prescient, 'cause those bolsters look big to me, but then again it could be a #26 Sleeveboard blade paired with a #46, and sounds to me like a jack set up based on the hints dropped so far. But who knows? Unless, somebody out there also likes a Moose set up and jumps up and down and clamors for it? Thanks, Robert.

  • Luca Vignelli

    You know what? I'm gonna tag these knives on to the GEC 2012 production schedule in my dreams:

    Lumberjack, can't wait to see it.

    Jan's Clasp Knife, think big

    johnny twoshoes Fishing Knife, stainless, fresh and salt water, just add fish

    Robert's #54 Northfield Moose, classic, pick your handle material

    Luca's #46 and #36 Bladed Northfield Super Moose. They'd fit on the Whaler frame, I think? The ultimate "surf and turf", Whaler and Sunfish, in a Moose pattern.

    And since Bill Howard would be designing and building them all with the active participation of the whole GEC staff, then whatever knives they want to make. I trust them, their taste, and their commitment to their craft.

  • Luca Vignelli

    And I almost forgot, two sizes of "Sodbusters", not just one. I like orange, but this knife would look good in almost any color, finish, and handle material.

  • David Adkins

     If that's a Sunfish #36, then the Lumberjack is HUGE

    My guess would be a big sleeveboard sunfish, with a #46 blade on one end and one, maybe two # 36 blades on the other. If done right that could be really interesting. Ever see a Schatt and Morgan Wildcat Driller? A huge sunfish whittler would be too cool.

  • Jan Carter

    Google Remington Lumberjack and see what thiers looks like.  VERY interesting

  • johnny twoshoes

    I checked it out Jan, I think Remington's Lumberjack looks like a Moose. I wander what GEC has up their sleeve on the sleeveboard as well???

  • Luca Vignelli

    I like the production quality better on the GEC Moose, Tidioute or Northfield better than any Remington, Case, Winchester, or Queen put together. Aahhhh. Now I said it. I feel better now. And I'd like to see GEC make it again. Please?

  • Luca Vignelli

    In  a cigar and a swell center frame variations, 4 1/8" long. 

  • Jan Carter

    I always like the quality better on any GEC product.  The pattern on the Remington is interesting though.  It will be wonderful to see what Great Eastern does with this name and what pattern it will finally be.  One of the great things about this company is their ability to bring an old pattern back to life with its own special version.  I also love that they bring us along on the journey to a new pattern