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Comment by Ms Data on March 16, 2015 at 22:28

Certainly Lantz, although Jan is also working on getting more info now that we know what the tang stamp shows.  Clearly it has a 2008 BCCI tang stamp.  I am 99% certain that it is a David Yellowhorse Chip Flint blade.  I asked David and he said he recognized the work, he just didn't remember the details.

The "X"s and the "S" on the tang stamp are a little bit of a mystery.  Normally Buck will stamp an "X" on the tang stamp to indicate they have performed warranty work on it.  So those have me a little confused.

The knife itself is a Buck 109 - which is a Buck 112 with a Chip Flint blade.  Obviously it was a 2008 Buck Collectors Club knife, these apparently were made for BCCI Yellowhorse members only.  But then again, that is the part Jan is checking on because she has a friend who saved all of his BCCI newsletters.

The knife does not appear to have been used, there are no scratches or signs of wear, but it does appear that the blade has been sharpened.  It arrived hair shaving sharp from the guy I bought it from (who is a guy trying to sell off his deceased father-in-law's collection).

I will post more info if I learn anything more.  Right now I am torn between putting it away in the safe or carrying it and using it.  It just seems like it wants to be used, but I don't know if one should do that to a 2008 BCCI Yellowhorse.

Comment by Charles Sample on March 16, 2015 at 21:45

Very nice Data!

Comment by tim payne on March 16, 2015 at 21:12

this is a beauty data

Comment by Jeremy B. Buchanan on March 16, 2015 at 20:40

That is a great looking Buck!

Comment by Jan Carter on March 16, 2015 at 20:35

An amazing and unique Buck.  Congrats!!

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