A group shot of all the little Undertakers in sheath.

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Comment by Ron Cooper on April 9, 2014 at 5:51

When what you're doing becomes overwhelming; step away!

I had a friend tell me once, in relation to a particular challenge that I was freaking out over; "You may have to move a mountain, Ron. But only have to do it one spoonful at a time."

Each time that I encounter a task that seems nearly impossible, I recall what my friend had told me. That works to pull me back into the moment where I can once again become centered--CALM--and then proceed to accomplish the seemingly impossible task, "one spoonful at a time!"

Cheers, my friend -- You are doing great! Onward and Upward!

Comment by Alexander Noot on April 9, 2014 at 4:41

Thanks Ron! Like you said, steady improvement. But I do have to admit that it tries my patience every now and then.

Comment by Ron Cooper on April 9, 2014 at 4:37

Kudos, Alex!

You are becoming quite the knife and sheath maker! And, the quality of your work is steadily improving with each new knife that you create. I envy your talent and ability!

Cheers, my friend -- Well done!

White River Knives

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