The knife so nice I bought it twice!

This was a limited edition Kershaw 3120 Black Gulch knife from their "Officer Ranch" series. It has been discontinued for some time now. This knife was made in Japan with AUS6A steel, I believe.

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Comment by Ron Cooper on April 11, 2015 at 18:48


Yes, these are the same model. However there actually is a slight difference in the way their blades were ground. Good eye, btw! The hollow grind on one extends up slightly higher when compared to the other blade. You can see the difference when observing the finger notches on the respecting blades. The bevel nearly touches on one and not the other. The blade blanks were identical. They were just ground slightly different. Both are razor sharp!

I really love these old Kershaws! I carried a smaller version of the knife, Corral Creek, for many years. I still have it in fact. Now that Kershaw is making their knives in China these older "Made in Japan" models are commanding higher prices. I mean, they're not going to break the bank, they're just going for more than the "Hecho en Chino" models that are being made now.

These green and black with satin blade models were made in limited quantities and I snatch 'em up any time I see them in an online auction. I just like the way that they blur the lines between traditional and tacti-cool, ya know! 

But back to your observation. Yes, same model. Just a slight variation in the way they were ground. I suspect one may have been ground by Fred on Tuesday and the other by Bill on Friday? That kind of different! That's all.

Comment by jeff on April 11, 2015 at 18:10

ron.. i love the handles these ! too sweet are these 2 of the same model? or do they have different blades? might be the pictures, i know one has brown on sheath, but the convex on the blades look slightly different. very very nice !

Comment by Jan Carter on April 10, 2015 at 19:40

That is indeed twice as nice!

Comment by tim payne on April 10, 2015 at 17:50

sweet kershaws ron

White River Knives

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