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Comment by Rino Smajo on November 4, 2012 at 15:05

Back spring on Mercator is strong enough,it gives nice snap and keeps knife open,i like slipjoints and I'm used to them so that's no issue for me.(you just learn to use knife more carefully ;-) )  

As for Croatians low on knives,there are no restrictions on locking mechanism, I'm not so sure about blade length,that's somehow gray area(basically no restrictions,but up to the police officer)

Comment by Ron Cooper on November 4, 2012 at 14:38

I'm curious about the back spring on your version of the Mercator knife. Since it does not have a locking mechanism, is the back spring strong enough that you do not worry about an accidental closure?

Also, I know that in the UK knives with locking mechanisms are not legal. Is that also an issue in Croatia? Are knives that lock legal in your country?

Comment by Rino Smajo on November 4, 2012 at 14:10

Ron I wanted K55K but it just happened that i got this one as present,so now i need to get lock-back too.

I watched some of videos from Stefan Schmallhous,he does nice reviews(and quite educational)


Comment by Ron Cooper on November 4, 2012 at 13:49

Wow! You know what, Rino? I just now noticed that yours is a slip joint. I completely overlooked that. YES! I ordered the lock-back. Heck, I didn't even realize they made a slipjoint.

Rino, did you happen to watch the video whose link I posted for Jan? It's great because it explains the history of this knife. In my opinion, Stefan Schmalhaus makes some of the best video reviews of cutlery and EDC gear anywhere to be found. We are fortunate to have him as a member in our fine community of folks.

I'm really looking forward to getting my Black Kat knife later this coming week. I had wanted one for quite some time. The pic of your knife, Rino, and Jan's query about the steel finally tip me over the edge.

Cheers, my friend!

Comment by Rino Smajo on November 4, 2012 at 12:25

Jan,steel is carbon, Mercator is piece of knife history,as Opinel or Douk Douk(i have to get one of that) at least one of each must enter in collection.

Ron,did you order Mercator K55K (that's lock-back) mine is slipjoint.

Comment by Ron Cooper on November 3, 2012 at 17:25

Judging from the patina on Rino's knife (above) I would guess that it would be carbon, also. They look cool--very thin--and I have wanted one for quite some time. Jan's query about the steel prompted me to finally order one. Now, at least, I have someone to blame my purchase on. Thank a lot, Jan! *evil grin*

See what this picture of your knife has done, Rino! lol (you will be my secondary scapegoat) Really looking forward to getting my new Black Kat knife!

Comment by Craig Henry on November 3, 2012 at 17:12

I've had a couple of those over the years. My father used to get them as giveaways from newspaper supply companies many moons ago. The ones I had were carbon steel. Sinple design but very strong!

Comment by Ron Cooper on November 3, 2012 at 16:01

Jan, here is the link for Stefan's most excellent review on this Mercator knife: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfFZbXBhBf0&feature=plcp

This knife comes with either carbon or stainless steel blades. You get to pick which one you want. While listening to Stefan's video, just now, I ordered one with carbon steel from "Knife Center." Total price including shipping is under $25 - Amazing!

Comment by Ron Cooper on November 3, 2012 at 15:21

Jan, I'm really not sure what steel they use in that knife. We have a member, Stefan Schmalhaus (sp?), who did a great YouTube review on this knife. He would probably know...perhaps? I will attempt to find out. A Google search might yield an answer, also?

Comment by Jan Carter on November 3, 2012 at 12:38


What steel is that.  I have looked at a few of the Katz and I, like Ron, am thinking it is about time to add one to my collection 

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