Knives by Herman Williams

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Comment by Charles Sample on September 5, 2015 at 23:36

That is some collection!

In Memoriam
Comment by Doug Webber on September 5, 2015 at 22:25


 I believe you have my Email address...if you send pics of your knives I can make for you...I for around $20 I can get it made into a poster. The computer does all the work and it's same day pick-up on the poster. I made two collages of Herman's knives and then used another program to stitch them together. He thought it was pretty cool having the mark side and the pile side of the same knife on one picture.

Comment by Jan Carter on September 5, 2015 at 18:19



In Memoriam
Comment by Doug Webber on September 5, 2015 at 16:51

I have to admit that's not all of them. The program I used to make the collage won't take more than 50 pictures. Quite by accident I ended up with a trapper in white bone...no shield. Up to then I had gotten jigged bone or sambar stag. I sent Herman a list of 12 knives I'd like to have done I white bone. He agreed to the project and then it took on a life of it's own. To my knowledge, Schrade only put out 2 models in white bone.not counting the Schrade I*XL Wostenholm knives....the 280 Daddy Barlow and the 156 Lit'l Finger., so I believe I probably have the largest Schrade  White bone collection ever. The original 12 knife collection has turned into 33 different models. I'm in the process of building a display case for them.  I work as an electrician most of my life so it wasn't hard for Herman to talk me into a  204 electrician knife.


This one will be the centerpiece

Comment by John Kellogg on September 5, 2015 at 15:06


Are those all your Herman Williams knives? If so you have far to many. Perhaps you would like to share some,LOL 

Nice assortment.

Comment by Bob Robinson on September 5, 2015 at 9:31
Very very nice!!

Comment by Jeremy B. Buchanan on September 5, 2015 at 6:25

Now that is a nice looking collection!

White River Knives

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