O1 blade with cocobolo
Hand engraved by Randy Haas, Sr.

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Comment by Randy, HHH Knives on January 11, 2011 at 6:48

Great to hear from you all, The full pic is the next one in this album.. :) 


Oh,   I just looked and it seems you found it!

Thanks again for the great comments on our work, This one went to a doctor and was a retirement present.  

Dale, I do my own photography and have to learn the tricks of Photo shop so I can splice pics together! Then they will look like the pros, almost :)


Halicon, all I can say is Thank you! 

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on January 10, 2011 at 13:43
.. and Kudo's to who ever's doing your photography work !!!

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on January 10, 2011 at 13:19

Randy’s chosen to make knives for a living .. and given what I’ve seen of his work .. I’m glad he made that choice. !!!


.. this particular photo .. dare I say  “piece of sales lit” has been effective enough to provoke immediate positive responses from Hal & I ..


.. the fact that Hal & I got caught up in the “pretty face / sexy presentation”  enough to overlook the fact that ..


… shit~ you can’t even see the blade boys !!!  Don, you do have this knack @ cutting right to the chase !!!


.. makes me state again ……..


!!! .. You got yourself a God given talent there .. keep using it .. !!!!


.. and ya might run a full side view shot either directly above .. or alongside .. the mechanical specs section .. for the final pc of sales lit .. a fillet knife is indeed defined by it’s blade ..  shape/flex/corrosion resist/… !!!



Comment by Halicon on January 10, 2011 at 9:16

I agree, Randy has created perfectionism with this knife. Perfect fitting of the scales, everything is just... Perfect.


Randy should be in knife magasines already, I've seen plenty of expensive famous knives that fall short of Randy's work even when he prices it much lower.

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on January 10, 2011 at 8:28

The attn to detail is impressive !!!

.. the orientation of the mosaic pins are .. the same .. I've seen many an expensive knife where that little detail was .. just missed .. causing me to wonder .. what else the maker may have missed ...


That termite eaten wooden background .. sets everthing off right nice !!!


You do nice work .. God has been good to ya !!!

Comment by Halicon on January 10, 2011 at 8:08
Stunning simplicity. Pure class, I love it!

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