So here's three versions of my new Ignoramus pattern. These are the first iterations. Scaled versions in various steels will follow sometime soon.

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Comment by Alexander Noot on April 23, 2015 at 1:48

That would be pretty cool. Gotta finish up some orders first though.

Comment by Tom Peterson on April 22, 2015 at 9:39

You make a good point, but a knife series for each of the 7 Kingdoms would be pretty sweet! Trying to visualize a Wildling knife/knives or a Dothrakian series....

Back to work. : (  . Just in case HBO sues both of us over intellectual property. LOL.

Comment by Alexander Noot on April 22, 2015 at 8:42

LOL.  just used the association with the word Bastard..that's all really. I think I'd sooner pump out a knife named after the Wheel of Time series books since I liked those more.

Don't want to risk the people at HBO suing the ever living daylights after me after all.

Comment by Tom Peterson on April 22, 2015 at 8:06

Sorry Alexander, didn't see the other picture. I get it now. I love GOT! So will you follow up with a knife series after Arya's Needle, or a series of smaller knives after The Imp Tyrion? I assume that you will be using only Valerian steel! LOL! I wish that I'd thought of this...hey I just did somewhat...Just Kidding. I don't want to have to make The Throne of 10,000 Swords!

Comment by Alexander Noot on April 22, 2015 at 7:14

I alreadysaid on the other picture. But I don't mind repeating myself.

Bastard file -> Jon Snow (Game of Thrones) is a Bastard -> Jon Snow knows nothing -> ignorance is knowing nothing -> Someone who's ignorant is an Ignoramus.

Before I do a stick tang version I think I'll do a scaled version. But to be honest I hadn't thought of doing a stick tang version yet so maybe I'll look into that too. I think it'll be complicated though due to the slim handle profile.

Comment by Tom Peterson on April 22, 2015 at 6:05


I like these! Simple and functional but classy! Will you do a stick tang version? What was the inspiration for the name?

Comment by Alexander Noot on April 22, 2015 at 2:01

Thanks Tim. I'm quite happy with it. Looking forward to doing some scaled versions of these.

Comment by tim payne on April 21, 2015 at 17:52

cool looking patterns alex

White River Knives

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