Black G10 Harvester, Comparison with G10 Soldier

A mod made by myself. It's an Alox Harvester with black coarse G10 scales.

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Comment by Ron Cooper on March 2, 2014 at 17:28

Excellent! Thanks for that link Martin!

Were the dual density scales on the Soldier pretty easy to remove? I have replaced numerous cellidor scales on my 91mm SAK's. But I've never removed the dual density scales before. I'm sure it's doable, though.

Thanks, again!

Comment by Martin Desax on March 2, 2014 at 17:03

Hi Ron,

It's not the store where I bougth the black G10 scales for the soldier. But they have similar scales in green and very nice scales for other knives. The shop I bougth the scales from is located in Switzerland: Click here

Comment by Ron Cooper on March 2, 2014 at 15:16

Thanks for your response, Martin! 

I'm going to see if I can get my hands on a G10 conversion kit for one of my '08 Soldier knives. Mainly because of the Cool Factor. I really like the dual density scales that come stock on the Soldier knife. But those G10 scales you have take an already great knife to a whole other level of greatness!

In fact, a very short search has already produced the name of a Company that I was somewhat familiar with because of the scales one of my realtime friends has on his Spyderco Paramilitary 2. I had never really taken a close look at their website before. But thanks to you I have now discovered yet another place to spend my money. lol

Here is what I found: Cuscadi Custom Scales

The site is in German, so you'll need to translate via your browser wenn Sie kein Deutsch sprechen. (if you do not speak German)

I don't know if that's where you got your scales? But I'm sure that I'll be taking a much closer look at what they have to offer in the future.

Cheers, my friend! Thanks for sparking my curiosity with your beautiful knives!

Comment by Jan Carter on March 2, 2014 at 13:27

Very well done indeed!

In Memoriam
Comment by Terry Ray on March 2, 2014 at 10:32

Good Work Martin

Comment by Martin Desax on March 2, 2014 at 8:04

Thanks for your kind comments.

The scales on the G10 Soldier are not from me. It's a conversion kit and includes also a clip.
This kit inspired me to do the 93mm scales with the same G10.
More pics from both knives in my blog. 

Comment by Ron Cooper on March 2, 2014 at 6:02


The Harvester looks amazing! Good work peening those pins! Never having attempted such a feat, I am always baffled when I see pins that have been peened so beautifully. I would be so scared that I would smash the handle if I ever tried.

Tell me about the G10 Soldier knife. Did you also do the scales on it? Both of these knives are incredible!

Kudos, my friend!

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