italy 2015
elmax blade
titanium (one piece) handle
19.5 cm 105 gr

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Comment by John Bamford on September 25, 2015 at 9:15

Kees my friend you are obviously a man of high intelligence , and low cunning , I can learn a lot from you  !!

I do like the one about the stamp collector .

Comment by Kees ( KC ) Mension on September 25, 2015 at 2:24

thats just a phase john...if you own 10 knives and get one more it means a 10% increase  that is a lot

but if you have 100 knives  it is just 1% more

if you explain that to your wife with a few glasses of wine she will understand

and stamp collectors have more stamps than they need .. (i Always use this explanation)

and finally you can tell her that you ara thinking about collecting cars...  that helps too !

i alway end these discussions with the question how many pairs of shoes are in her closet  and than order the M-5 in olivewood  :-)

Comment by John Bamford on September 23, 2015 at 14:10

You do need an M5 Kees , in Santos wood ? whatever that is or Olive ,or G10 you can rest easy I am calm about that !

 Your wife is very understanding , mine says that I am barking mad and can't possibly need another knife !

Comment by Kees ( KC ) Mension on September 22, 2015 at 15:22

it does ron ....the only thing is that sometimes it does not go in supersmooth because of the little round cutout in the frame but whatever...  and the clip is superpolished so quite notable

but its easy to grab and does the job very well   one of my favorite edc knives (well..maybe more a sunday carry knife )

and john...  thanks for making me smile for more than an hour !  now i hardly dare to post the next photo of my new lionsteel m-5   ( that i told my wife i really need ! )

Comment by Ron Cooper on September 21, 2015 at 14:14

Sweet lookin' piece, KC! It's amazing what modern machinery can do! I especially like the lowrider clip on this knife. I'll bet that it literally disappears in your pocket?

Comment by John Bamford on September 21, 2015 at 11:08

Kees you are a philosopher and what's more you are right I never will have any money now ! For years and years I was content with one or maybe two inexpensive knives like Opinel and kept them till I lost them , which never mattered cos they where cheap knives . Then in my late 50's I get a computer and join iKC , now I have more knives than I need and you keep showing me Lionsteel knives like the TS-1 above !!

I will bear in mind what you say about the Fallkniven , my U1 is such a nice little knife that I figured just maybe I needed another one . Then again I haven't bought that Borka yet and the Birk is available in S30V or an Opera looks quite nice ...........

Comment by Kees ( KC ) Mension on September 20, 2015 at 15:41

.....and Always there will be a better or  more attractive one ... and Always more expensive.....i wonder what i would like to get next if i were a very rich man hahaha .... but i will never be rich because i collect knives right ? LOL

btw john... make sure that if you get a p3g the 3 layers have the core exactly in the middle ... i have heard this is sometimes not the case !  and thats not pretty for an (again) expensive knife

Comment by John Bamford on September 19, 2015 at 10:29

That EnZo Magenta knife is not due to hit the dealers until October/ November Kees . The longer it holds off the better , gives me a chance to save up a bit . I could be talking myself into a Fallkniven P in 3G like this as well it's hard to save money when there are so many knives to buy !!

Comment by Kees ( KC ) Mension on September 19, 2015 at 8:04

thanks john ...   holding and looking at it did not hurt the steel so far LOL

i got it sharp from lionsteel but i will make it SHARP soon and than we can really see how it holds

what i reed is only positive things and i dont think any corrosion is an issue here ( as it is more in my showcase than at the seashore )

time will tell  and i will keep you informed !

is the magneto on its way to the uk yet ?  ( elmax ! )

Comment by John Bamford on September 16, 2015 at 16:22

One day , one day !

Not sure if I like the handle best or the blade , maybe it's just a great package all ways round .

Great knife Kees .

How are you getting on with the Elmax .

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