As monstrous a Benchmade Addict as I am...my ventures into their Gold Class have been non-existent. Why? Well...partially because some of those models demand first-tier custom maker prices. Partially because I consider their Blue and Black series of knives to be so good that climbing above them seems..."unnecessary". And that last word is really what expensive knives are..."unnecessary". Sounds logical? Well...when I say that they are unnecessary, I'm not saying that Benchmade's Gold Class knives aren't NEEDED. Confused? Well, maybe I can clear that up by telling you about the knife in the photo.

This is a Gold Series Griptilian...with Carbon Fiber handle scales (they are a thing of real beauty) and a black CPM4 blade. And some really luxurious black nickel hardware. Before we go on, take a good, hard look at the knife. It's expensive...goodness it's expensive. And that expensiveness propels it safely outside the realm of "NECESSARY'.

There is absolutely nothing that this version will do that my old 551 basic Blue Class model won't do. In terms of pure practicality, there is no reason to own a Gold Class knife. Oh...but lets be daring...lets be wild...lets forget budgets for a mere moment and dream a bit. The basic Grip is a cool knife. A great work horse. And rather understated. Ever wonder what would happen if your Grip got all dressed up for a night on the town? It'd look all beautiful like this one right here. And this dolled up creature is NEEDED. Why? Well, partially because the full exploration of a solid knife design's potential is just plain FUN. And partially because it's human nature to dream of something "more". And "more" is just what you get with a Gold Class Benchmade.

In fact, Benchmade's Gold Class knives are so far BEYOND being merely "more". The Gold Class positively PERSONIFIES the art of REFINEMENT when it comes to knives. From the box that the knife comes in...to the paperwork and certification...to the luxurious black case...to the scintillating precision that the knife itself offers it's owner...all of it is an ABSOLUTELY REFINED STATEMENT. This is the kind of thing that Mercedes owners talk about. Think what I'm saying is outrageous? Think "It can't possibly be that good! It's not a Chris Reeve knife! It's not a William Henry!" You know what? It really IS that good. I know...FIRST HAND.

Think about it like this, a dolled-up Griptilian is kind of like taking a nice-but-basic car and decking it out...all the way to the 9's. "Pimp that ride!" as the Gen X'ers like to say. Just because it's pedigree isn't "Mercedes" doesn't mean that it isn't every bit as luxurious...just in a little different way.

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