Bought at garage sale for 50 cents. I could'nt believe my eyes. I was hoping the small one was a baby Murphy. There's no markings at all.

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Comment by Patrik Ilijev on January 22, 2011 at 12:50
Yes I understand and agree.
Comment by Thorvan Patten JR. on January 22, 2011 at 12:23

  My feeling is I'm gonna keep it in my collection and if I did'nt buy it somebody else would of and it would of ended up on ebay or the antique mall. I'll keep it for what it is a very nice knife and part of knife history. Don't get me wrong I don't begrudge anybody making a dollar and I could sell it on ebay and make a good profit and I'm not rich by no means but like I said I'll just keep it in my collection. THOR.

Comment by Patrik Ilijev on January 22, 2011 at 11:35
I here you.  I love a good bargain and hell i don't care if that person does not know the real value it is not my problem :) so a completely agree with you. People have a lot so called junk lying around and you are doing them a service co they don't need to trow it into the trash bin.
Comment by Thorvan Patten JR. on January 22, 2011 at 10:00
 I always knew I would find one of these at a yard sale and I did. We were there at 6 in the morning. They had a bunch of camping- fishing and gun stuff. I seen it on a table from about 15 feet away and went right to it. They had it with some kitchen stuff. They had 75 cents on it but she told me I could have it for 50. I told her I would pay the 75 but I think she still charged me 50 cents. I got a Gerber Mark 1 at the same sale. It was a good day. THOR. 
Comment by Patrik Ilijev on January 22, 2011 at 2:52
nice and perfect price :)

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