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Comment by stephen tungate on January 24, 2012 at 13:30

very cool knife and thats a different look with the black and white photo good job johnny.......

Comment by johnny twoshoes on June 21, 2011 at 21:05

I have an Apple computer, so I do have the ability to change some things right at hand. But, I really don't like doing that, I like to have a good picture straight from the camera. The Black and White is a really cool affect, well at least I think.


I don't use a flash, and thats partially how I avoid glare. I use an Olympus Camera, and it was right around $500.00 bucks, which is more than I'd spend on a camera, but my parents bought it and gave it to me. It wasn't until I took a class that I actually realized the true capabilities of the camera, I would definitely suggest photography classes to anyone looking to improve their photos. 


I wish I could be of more assistance, but I'm not good at really teaching anyone.  

What kind of camera do you use Jan?

Comment by Jan Carter on June 21, 2011 at 19:52


actually you did answer it Thank you.  I have always admired how clear they come out with any glare or flash back.  So I am going to try to start taking mine outside.  When your in the shade are you using a flash or just natural light?  I love that you some in black and white.  Are you using that film or are you using a photoshop program?  Thanks Johnny.  I want to be able to take better pictures

Comment by johnny twoshoes on June 21, 2011 at 8:03

I don't quite understand your question, Jan.


I like to shoot with natural lighting because I'm not very good at inside props and such. To avoid glare, I try to set up in the shade, or I love to take pics real early in the morning, taking advantage of the "Golden Hour" as they call it.



If you could explain your question to me, (you have to be real simple, because I'm....... Real simple). I'd love to answer it for you, thanks Jan. :)

Comment by Jan Carter on June 20, 2011 at 21:04


How do you keep a glare of the knives when you shoot them.  I always enjoy your pics

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