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Comment by stephen tungate on August 24, 2012 at 9:57

very nice knives...

Comment by Josh Wills on August 23, 2012 at 20:47

Good idea David! I will start with the second one in from the left. This is the second GEC knife I bought and the first one I decided to start EDCing. It is a Tidioute 735111T with gorgeous Mexican Bocote scales. I bought it from our iKC friend Bob Andrews of http://oldhundredcollectibles.com on August 13, 2011 at the Pittsburgh gun show. It was really cool because Ryan Daniels had his GEC table set up the same day and I was able to spend time (and money! lol) with both of them. First thing I did when I got home after getting it was make the lanyard/leash for it out of some paracord so i wouldn't loose it and it has been with me every day since. We have been through a lot this past year and because of GEC's outstanding quality, I can expect it to be with me for years to come!

Comment by David Megnin on August 17, 2012 at 13:18

Very nice looking buddies josh.  I would love to hear whatever story or origin each of them has, kind of make them come "alive".

Comment by stephen tungate on August 16, 2012 at 20:28

great looking knives josh...

Comment by Jan Carter on August 16, 2012 at 20:03

That is one nice display there Josh.  I would have those on my coffee table any day!

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