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Comment by stephen tungate on July 11, 2011 at 21:21
great pond i bet there is some nice fish in there....
Comment by Terry Truett on March 24, 2010 at 13:42
LOL its a little easier with my garndson. He is 9 yrs old and a straight A student very smart lil guy. LOL I'm 48 and have one sister thats 47 yrs old and she has 6 kids. 3 are hers and she married a guy that had 3. I call them the Brady Bunch! LOL

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on March 24, 2010 at 13:28
We found a few arrowheads growing up .. spring floods .. gullys .. freshly ploughed fields .. after a good rain .. but not many .. it was a big deal to find one !!

I've a 24 yr old that keeps me runnin' .. check out my "just plain fun" pic album .. I've also a 20 yr old .. college ..

Hey .. they're our future .. gotta love the kids !!

Got a grandson living w/ ya .. tell me this .. any more patience the second time around ?? Hehehe .. I've no G'children yet .. nieces & nephews though ..

As children .. my sis was actively involved in the contests .. only girl .. 2 older & 2 younger bros .. tough little sis .. she just didn't like me illuminating her kids to the fun that could be had .. !!evil hehehe!! .. 50+ & still picken on my little sis ..
Comment by Terry Truett on March 24, 2010 at 11:10
Dale, I love those natural ice cold springs. Thats a great picture of the kids playing in the spring. We have a few around here like that and I used to lay down in them after hauling hay in that 100+ degrees weather. LOL There are some big large mouth bass, crappie and big pearch in my pond and my two boys go fishing every chance they can. My boys are 29 yrs old and the youngest is 25. I have one grandson that lives we me and my wife and he loves to fish, hunt and anything to do with the outdoors. My other two grandkids are to young right now, but I will teach them both all about the outdoors. One girl thats 3 yrs old and a grandson thats 4 months old. LOL that sounds like a fun game you taught them and sounds like you need to get your lil sister involved in the game! LOL
Thank you very much for the complements! Some of the land I own was my grandpa's Indian Allotment he received back in 1902. I'm Chickasaw/Choctaw Indian and today I'm going to add some Arrow Heads I found on my place. I find them all the time when I disc up and tiller my gardens.

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on March 24, 2010 at 10:38
!! my lil sister was pissed when I taught her kids the game !!

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on March 24, 2010 at 10:25
Terry .. this is TOO sweet !!!

Any fish in there ??

Check the pic of my niece & nephews @ a spring on family farm .. WI
H2O = 37* yr round .. regardless ..

as kids .. we'd have contest .. who could stand in the H2O longest ..

White River Knives

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