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In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on July 24, 2016 at 21:01


I've done a bunch of business with Clarence Risner .. good pricing was always my reason.


never an issue.

Not one single bad experience whatsoever !!!


Both the whittler & the teardrop I spoke of earlier came from him

.. plus ..

a bunch of others !!


NOTE: Clarence recently passed .. on the 8th of last month, actually.

His grandson .. I believe .. has taken over the business.

It's good to hear he's continuing his grandfather's good service.

In Memoriam
Comment by Doug Webber on July 24, 2016 at 19:53

A half stop would be my guess. On the S&M front page of Knives Ship Free, there is a partial picture of that knife. I sent them an Email trying to identify the model but they had no idea...just that they didn't have one. Someone recently had one on Ebay for sale but it had a pin crack, and even with the crack sold for more than retail. All I needed was the m# anyway. Found this one at C.Risner's S&M web site. Great guy there...took pics of the 2 he had in stock so I could pick which I wanted...that was after I had already paid...You can guess who will be getting more of my business.

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on July 24, 2016 at 19:23

S&M puts a nice finish to their knives.

I take it there's a half stop ..since.. the backspring isn't raised in the half open position.

!!! .. That's going to be one sweet knife .. !!!

In Memoriam
Comment by Doug Webber on July 24, 2016 at 19:00

Thanks Terry, I've got to say that I'm pretty partial to that frame...not much of a fan of the flat spear but the blue abalone won me over.

In Memoriam
Comment by Doug Webber on July 24, 2016 at 18:58

just ordered a medium S&M coke bottle with a sabre spear blade in the amber bone.

In Memoriam
Comment by Doug Webber on July 24, 2016 at 18:51

The S&M is rosewood....as good a job as Case does on that script shield, makes you wonder why some companies have such a hard time with an oval

Comment by Terry Pitts on July 24, 2016 at 17:29

  Very impressive lineup of GE's Doug.

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on July 24, 2016 at 16:07

That Schatt & Morgan is sweet .. really like the wood scales !!!
Cocobolo .. Desert Ironwood ??


That one would make one sweet conversion .. w/ the shield being the release button.

Oh yeah !!


Queen's Honey Amber Bone .. simply NICE. I've a teardrop (# 06L) & a split spring whittler (# 48) ..both.. in honey amber bone & PH-D2 blade steel.


Those script shields .. take some craftsmanship .. period !!!

In Memoriam
Comment by Doug Webber on July 24, 2016 at 15:54

I would say that you are fond of the Auto's...The GEC Babylon Hill swing guards are pretty hard to come by...I only have the one, but I do have a Queen, a S&M and a Case. I'm real fond of the script shield on the Cheetah.

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on July 24, 2016 at 13:41

Thank you, Doug.

I have spoken with him (facebook) in the past & he has a VERY good reputation. For me .. they are price prohibitive. Also .. his website indicates he stopped doing conversions @ the end of last year.


He has a fantastic reputation.

I've read a # of personal recommendations from long standing members here that I personally hold in high regard.

I've a couple converted buck 110's (extreme left) ..so.. know the conversion method. And .. I've a mill.

Just .. time limited ..&.. $ limited ..&.. courage limited !!

To the right of the Buck 110's are 2 VG10 core laminated steel leverlocks .. then there's a knock-off of microtech's version of a Mikov .. then 3 Ganzo's (which are a great deal for the $ .. all under $20.oo) .. 3 AKC leverlocks on the extreme right. On the top are a couple of kits ..specifically.. an SS2.0 on the left & an SS3.0 on the right. On the bottom is an inexpensive chinese buttonlock w/ pretty respectable steel. I've recessed the button, added black linen micarta scales ..&.. a few other mods on one for my daughter. They make a very cost effective prototyping platform.

I'm kind of fond of auto's.

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