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Comment by J.J. Smith III on February 21, 2015 at 0:21

Carvers show in the morning.  I'll be looking.

Comment by John Bamford on February 14, 2015 at 2:12

$65 for the cheaper version sounds pretty good to me , I can't see the need for the more expensive ones , it will have to go on the list. 

The list is getting a bit long though , always more knives than money seems to be a cosmic truth.

Comment by John Bamford on February 14, 2015 at 2:07

That looks just perfect for whittling , I remember seeing them around a few years ago. Didn't know they were D2 , I would think that would be ideal if you can handle the sharpening.

Comment by J.J. Smith III on February 14, 2015 at 1:32

I googled "oar carver", to find out what it said, and found half a dozen links to knives in the photo gallery, here at iKC.  Thought that was cool.

Comment by Ron Cooper on February 13, 2015 at 22:00

Cool knife, Miss Jan!

What's the closed length on that puppy? And, what does the writin' on that shield say? I clicked on "View Full Size" and all that did was flip the pic upside down.

Comment by dead_left_knife_guy on February 13, 2015 at 21:24

Awesome, Jan -- thank you!  

Another thing about this knife that's really drawing me to it is that it's a canoe pattern.  I'm not terribly drawn to more traditional patterns, but there are some exceptions, the canoe being a huge one (they just feel good to use, & then there's the Minnesota outdoorsman in me, canoes are just essential!).

Comment by J.J. Smith III on February 13, 2015 at 21:22
Wonder if someone will have one at the Charlott Woodcarvers show, next weekend.
Love those...http://www.goestores.com/storename/stadtlandercarvings/ViewDept-272...
Comment by Bob Robinson on February 13, 2015 at 21:21

Great information Jan. I have never seen one but like it a lot. I really like the scales and the canoe frame.The sheath is awesome also.

Comment by Jan Carter on February 13, 2015 at 20:50

The Oar Carver knives were designed by Ross Oar and are manufactured in the USA by Queen Cutlery. 

Oar Carvers come in the following varieties: Fixed Blade, Double Bladed Folding Pocket Knife, and Single Bladed Locking Pocket Knife. 

The Double Bladed Folding Pocket Knife comes in two styles: the Version I which has two 1 3/4 inch long blades and the Version II which has one detail blade, 1 3/16 inch long, and one 1 3/4 inch long blade. All blades are made from D2 tool steel (high carbon, high chromium), which has excellent edge holding properties and all knives are custom made for woodcarving. 

Comment by dead_left_knife_guy on February 13, 2015 at 20:29

Wow that's nice -- definitely out of my range (price, knowledge, etc), I haven't even invested in a Case Seahorse yet...  But I'd love to know more about this knife!

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