Don Carlos Herder Pruner with holster sheath, and 2 David Yellow Horse pieces. Buffalo Horn, Elk Horn, and Walnut scales.

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Comment by Jan Carter on February 27, 2015 at 17:16

Hey there is the Don Carlos!  Looking good and keeping some great company!

Comment by tim payne on February 27, 2015 at 15:45

Appreciate your comments Ron.

Yes sir, they were 4 to 6 bucks each, sans skins, minus the nail nicks!  And you have to use the ole thumb & finger to open em up...

And, I snapped some more pics for you too Ron!

Comment by Ron Cooper on February 27, 2015 at 15:14

Thanks, Tim! I can't believe you only paid 4 to 6 bucks for those - sans skins, of course. Nonetheless, looking at them now, that seems like a real steal! 

No nail nick on 'em, right? Just a thumb--finger pinch opening? I really like the way they look!

Comment by tim payne on February 27, 2015 at 15:07

Thank you Ron. You are correct my friend.  I think the differences in these two, may have just been the bolster materials, nickel silver versus brass.  These David Yellow Horse pieces were knives bought from eBay without the handles.  Bought them a few years back, and think I still have a couple of them laying around somewhere too, which still need new "Skins" put on them.  Bought these for real good prices in the beginning, but the word got out, and costs were over 4 times as high, when I last purchased any of these.  I will attempt to look into these more for you Ron, and let you know what I find out.


"OK, That was quick!"  I have already found some info for you Ron.

D.Yellowhorse  - 3-1/4" Lockbacks, walnut scales, Made in Italy, blade etch "DY trademark", brass bolsters and brushed silver bolsters.  There were some different styles made also.  Do not know if these are still available for sale anymore or not.  I think I bought 2 brass and 2 brushed silver bolstered pieces.  And now I feel like a "dummy", cause I only paid 4 to 6 dollars apiece for each.  Now, I wish I had bought a few more of them!

Will try to remember to check on some additional photos made for you too Ron.  Glad you liked them!


Comment by Ron Cooper on February 27, 2015 at 14:38

Those Yellowhorse lockbacks look really cool. I would love to see more pictures of the one that was re-handled with elk horn. I would like to see it opened.

Maybe it's just the angle, but is it the same pattern--size--as the one that was done in walnut? They look slightly different in this photograph. Like I said, it's probably just the angle that makes them look different.

All three turned out really nice. 

Comment by Bob Robinson on February 27, 2015 at 10:24

Great job on those! I really like them all Terry.

Comment by Charles Sample on February 27, 2015 at 9:47

Good ones!

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